Planning Assistance to States

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Expand List item 1667Collapse List item 1667  Program Description
Section 22 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1974 authorizes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to assist states in the preparation of comprehensive plans for the development, utilization, and conservation of water and related land resources.
Expand List item 1668Collapse List item 1668  Funding
State allotments from the nation-wide appropriation are limited to $300,000 annually but, typically, are much less. Individual studies, of which there may be more than one per state per year, generally are on the order of $25,000 to $50,000. There is no direct cost to the state.
Expand List item 1669Collapse List item 1669  Program Development
Each year, states may request studies under this program. The Corps will then accommodate as many studies as possible within the funding allotment. Study ideas often are prompted by a local identification of needs. The program can encompass many types of studies (i.e., water supply, water quality, water conservation, hydropower development, flood control, erosion, and navigation).
Expand List item 1670Collapse List item 1670  Typical Studies
Typical studies are at the reconnaissance level of detail, and do not include design for project construction. The studies involve the analysis of existing data for planning purposes, using standard engineering techniques. This program cannot be used as a source of field data. Most studies become the basis for state and local planning decisions.
Expand List item 1672Collapse List item 1672  Fact Sheet

Floodplain Management Services Program

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Expand List item 1659Collapse List item 1659  Program Description

Flood control structures (i.e., dams and levees), alone, cannot protect against all damaging floods for both financial and physical reasons. Therefore, they cannot provide total protection. Solutions to flooding problems may also include planning to guide and limit (wherever possible) development in floodplains.

The Floodplain Management Services (FPMS) Program is authorized by Section 206 of the Flood Control Act of 1960, as amended. The objective of this program is to limit future flood damages through comprehensive floodplain management. The program includes providing technical services and planning guidance to encourage the prudent use of floodplains.

Expand List item 1660Collapse List item 1660  Types of Assistance Available
A full range of technical services and guidance is available.

Technical Services

The Corps can obtain and interpret the following types of data for private entities; as well as federal, state, and local governments:

Flood sources and types
Flood depths and water surface elevations
Floodwater velocity
Extent of flooding
Duration of flooding
Flood frequency
Obstruction of floodflows

Planning Assistance

Planning assistance can be made available by the Corps to help state and local entities implement or meet the following requirements:

Floodplain regulations
Flood warning and emergency preparedness
Flood proofing measures
Permanent floodplain evacuation and relocations
The National Flood Insurance Program

The Corps can assist in all aspects of floodplain management planning, ranging from helping a community identify a floodplain and possible related problems (present or future) to a broad assessment of remedial measures involving the modification of both the flood and floodplain occupation. Guides and pamphlets are available on many topics (i.e., flood proofing, floodplain regulations, floodplain occupation, economics of floodplain regulations, and important natural floodplain values). These guides and/or pamphlets are available for use by agencies, organizations, and individuals.
Expand List item 1661Collapse List item 1661  How to Obtain Assistance

Floodplain Management Services assistance is available upon request to other federal agencies; as well as to states, counties, cities, and other local entities. Requests from the general public will be honored in cases where information is readily available. Nearly all of the services provided under the program are at 100-percent federal cost. However, some involvement by the entity or individuals requesting assistance is encouraged. For example, requesters may be able to furnish field survey data, maps, historical flood information, or other types of support.

Telephone requests may be made for readily available information (i.e., copies of reports or pamphlets), or for floodplain information requests for locations that can be easily described.

Telephone requests should be directed to 208-345-2065.

Written requests (see sample letter) should be made for assistance that may involve a significant amount of staff effort, as well as for site-specific information at locations that are best described with a map.

Expand List item 1663Collapse List item 1663  Sample Letter - Floodplain Management Services

District Engineer
Department of the Army
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Walla Walla District
ATTN: Planning Division
201 North Third
Walla Walla, WA 99362-9265

Dear Sir:

This letter is to seek the assistance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Floodplain Management Services. (Identify location of problem, and briefly describe the type of services requested.)

Your consideration of this request would be appreciated. Please contact (name, address, telephone) for further coordination.


Channel Renovation

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Expand List item 1664Collapse List item 1664  Program Description
Under Section 942 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is authorized to provide designs, contract plans, specifications, and other technical assistance for certain projects in navigable streams and tributaries. The authority covers projects involving the removal of snags and other debris; the clearing and straightening of channels; and, if cost effective, the renovation of navigable streams by nonstructural methods to improve drainage, water quality, and wildlife habitat.

The non-federal sponsor will pay 50 percent of all technical assistance costs. The sponsor will be responsible for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the project.

This service is available only to state and local governments.
Expand List item 1665Collapse List item 1665  How to Obtain Assistance
Assistance for channel renovation should be requested, by letter, to the Walla Walla District (see sample letter).
Expand List item 1666Collapse List item 1666  Sample Letter - Channel Renovation
District Engineer
Department of the Army
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Walla Walla District
ATTN: Planning Division
201 North Third
Walla Walla, WA 99362-9265

Dear Sir:

This letter is to seek the assistance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for channel renovation technical serivces (briefly describe the type of project for which assistance is requested).

Your consideration of this request would be appreciated. Please contact (name, address, telephone) for further coordination.
