Walla Walla District Contracting Division offers a full service contracting shop specializing in the advertisement, award and administration of major supply, construction, architectural-engineer and service contracts as well as in simplified acquisition procedures for procurements under $150,000. In fiscal year 2011 we obligated over $111,000,000 in civil works contractual actions to private contractors in the Pacific Northwest and across the nation.
Our mission
Providing world-class contracting support for navigation, flood risk management, design, construction, operation and maintenance at public works facilities within the District's boundaries. The District consists of approximately 107,000 square miles in the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Wyoming and includes six major hydroelectric projects and two additional dams that help reduce flood risk. Five of these dams also include navigation locks allowing for major water transportation as far inland as Lewiston, Idaho. The Lower Monumental Dam Downstream Navigation Gate Replacement contract is among the many major operation and maintenance rehabilitation contracts anticipated for these aging projects. This office supports the juvenile fish transportation program by contracting for the supply and maintenance of specially equipped barges and tank trucks to carry migrating salmon and steelhead fingerling around the dams on their way down the Snake and Columbia rivers. Additional effort to increase fish survivability includes innovative contracting support to place timely contracts for prototype weirs in support lamprey eel, juvenile bypass outfalls and fish friendly turbines, all on the cutting edge of the technology.
The Walla Walla District Contracting Division is responsible for many multiple award contracts supporting all aspects of civil works. We also awarded a large multi-million dollar contract for generator re-winds at McNary Lock and Dam. The contracting office, in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation seeks opportunities for the AbilityOne program, designed to assist handicapped workers find employment in areas such as janitorial services and grounds maintenance. We continue to provide contracting support in Afghanistan and other contingency environments.
Walla Walla District's contracting support to unanticipated natural disaster relief cannot be overlooked. Individuals from this office have participated in cleanup efforts following Hurricane Katrina, the Joplin Tornado, the Missouri Floods of 2011 and regional flooding events in Washington, Idaho and Oregon.