The Cost Engineering Center of Expertise (MCX), located at the Walla Walla District, is comprised of multiple levels of roles and responsibilities. This includes roles that are structured to provide technical support and assistance, various cost tools, and resources to Headquarters (HQ) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE); division command or Major Subordinate Command (MSC) and/or district command or operating MSC; and MSC elements on cost engineering issues. The MCX is structured to provide a mandatory agency technical review (ATR) center and Support for Others Program for Civil Works Projects.
Available Services:
- Maintain technical expertise related to current regulations and guidance, estimate, schedule, and risk development:
- Cost Engineering Agency Technical Reviews
- Cost Engineering Support
- Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis
- Life Cycle Cost Analysis
- Value Engineering Support
- Procedural Reviews
- Advisory/Consultation Services as Requested
- Historic Repository for all Civil Works Cost Engineering Software, Database and Regulations.
- Maintain and Update Cost Engineering Capable Workforce Survey
Serve as a quality control, quality assurance and quality review agent as required by current USACE policies on cost related products.
Research, development and updates of the Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule (EP 1110-1-8).
Research, development and updates of the Civil Works Construction Cost Index System (EM 1110-2-1304).
Receive, interpret, disseminate, and implement cost engineering guidance, direction, and correspondence from higher authority in a timely manner.
Participate in HQUSACE Cost Engineering Steering Committee and lead in subcommittee efforts.
Develop and provide cost engineering instructors at the national level to help develop and mentor the cost engineering community.