*****Updated July 26, 2018*****
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Walla Walla District issued a revised Lower Granite Project Master Plan, including a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Environmental Assessment (EA), as well as changes to land classifications.
The Corps conducted public scoping meetings in Clarkston and Pullman, March 22 and 23, as part of a two-month-long scoping period, March 22 through May 22, to support development of the draft revised Master Plan and EA. In response to requests from stakeholders, a second public comment period was opened from June 5 through June 10. The Corps invited comments from the public regarding management of natural resources and recreational opportunities that were considered during the revision process for the Lower Granite Master Plan.
The Corps’ signed FONSI, EA and related documents are available to the right of this page.
What is a Master Plan?
A master plan is the guidance document that describes how the resources of the project will be managed in the future and provides the vision for how the project should look in the future. It’s typically updated every 20 years. The master plan does not address issues such as flood risk management (levees/dams/channels/etc.), operational areas (dam, navigation lock, fish passage facilities, power house, etc.) and water level management, which are addressed in other guidance documents.
Development of the revised master plan will include consideration of regional and ecosystem needs as well as public interests and desires.
The Lower Granite Master Plan Revision’s main objectives is to create a Master Plan that balances public use of federal lands and waters with the conservation and protection of natural resources to ensure a sustainable future for the project.
Lower Granite Master Plan was last completed in 1974, and a lot has changed since then:
- The 1974 Master Plan focused on initial recreational development and less on natural resources and fish and wildlife.
- Original land classifications do not meet current Corps regulations.
- There are new invasive and ESA-listed species to be considered in the management of project lands and waters.
While no two visitors share exactly the same vision of how the project should look in 20 years, we believe all have its best interest in mind.