Engineering & Construction Division

The United States Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, Engineering & Construction Division is a full service engineering organization, reliable and responsive to the development of engineering projects.

Engineering & Construction Division strives to meet the customer's expectations within the limits of established policy, law and customer requirements by providing quality products and technical expertise for all kinds of engineering flood control, navigation, hydropower, recreation and fish passage facilities.

We have expertise in engineering planning, data collection and analysis, conceptual design, detailed designs, geology and dam safety, hydrology, hydraulics, water quality, cost estimating, surveying and mapping, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

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Expand List item 1354Collapse List item 1354  Construction Branch
Construction Branch within Engineering & Construction Division maintains a highly qualified staff who serves as the District's technical construction contract administration and quality assurance team. These specialists have responsibility for all phases of construction contract activities within District boudaries: preparation of estimates, scheduling and construction contract performance, payment and enforcement requirements.
Expand List item 1358Collapse List item 1358  Design Branch
Engineering and Construction Division's Design Branch maintains a highly qualified staff that serves as the District's technical design team. The Design Branch has responsibility for all phases of analysis, design, and preparation of plans and specifications for construction and operations within District boundaries. The Design Branch also provides engineering support for feasibility and environmental studies and provides dam and levee safety services. Design Branch also provides integrated engineering technical support to the District's Operations Branch. The following sections fall within the Design Branch: Electrical Design, Mechanical Design, Geotechnical Design, Structural Design and the General Engineering Section.
Expand List item 1364Collapse List item 1364  Cost Engineering Center of Expertise

Go to Cost Engineering page.

Expand List item 1365Collapse List item 1365  Hydrology & Hydraulics Branch
Hydrology and Hydraulics Branch within Engineering Division, serves as the District's water engineering technical specialists. They have responsibility for preparing and reviewing all phases of hydrologic and hydraulic analysis and designs (design, construction and operation) for multi-purpose dams, fish passage facilities, diversion structures, etc., within District boundaries.

In addition, our considerable experience and expertise in fish passage facilities, often requires us to apply this knowledge in assistance of other districts and agencies in other parts of the United States.

Hydrologic and Hydraulic personnel also serve on many technical teams related to such things as quality control, technical review, value engineering and general trouble-shooting of hydrologic- and hydraulic-related issues.