Key Projects

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Expand List item 32809Collapse List item 32809  MCNARY GUDGEON ANCHOR REPLACEMENT

There are four gudgeon anchors for the downstream gate of the McNary Navigation Lock and all four will be replaced during the outage. These gudgeon anchors hold the top of the 400-ton miter gate leaves in place and have been in service since 1954. The district has identified the gudgeon anchors as the primary risk driver for failure of the downstream gate. Click here to view timelapse footage.

Total project cost:  $12 million


Expand List item 32810Collapse List item 32810  LOWER MONUMENTAL POWER AND CONTROLS REPLACEMENT

All of the electric power distribution equipment in the Lower Monumental Navigation Lock is original equipment and is over 55 years old. Work during the outage will include replacement of all navigation lock feeder cables from the powerhouse, all electrical switching gear and transformers, and all cable trays.

Total project cost:  $12.2 million


Expand List item 32811Collapse List item 32811  LITTLE GOOSE NAVIGATION CULVERT CONCRETE REPAIRS

Within the Little Goose Navigation Lock, there are numerous areas of damaged, cracked, and spalled concrete, exposed rebar, and cavitation damage, along with significant nuisance leakage water. This damage has been developing since the late 1970s and will be repaired using both new concrete and fiber reinforced polymer.

Total project cost:  $1 million


Expand List item 32812Collapse List item 32812  MCNARY POWER AND CONTROLS REPLACEMENT

The lock controls for the McNary Navigation Lock are original equipment, and are more than 69 years old, exceeding the typical life expectancy for this industry. The existing controls do not meet current requirements for redundancy, cyber security and water level monitoring. Work during the outage will replace cabling and cable trays from the powerhouse.  The lock control stands, bascule bridge mechanical, lock electrical transformers, and lock switchgear will be replaced after the outage, for commissioning in 2025.

Total project cost:  $24 million


Expand List item 32813Collapse List item 32813  LOWER GRANITE FLOATING GUIDE WALL TIMBER REPLACEMENT

The floating guide wall currently uses timbers for protection from barge impacts. These timbers have been in service since 1974 and have been broken down by water, weather and bacteria. Many timbers are missing, while others are split or damaged from impacts. Additionally, the original timbers were soaked in creosote, which presents environmental issues. Replacing them with high-density polyethylene walers will improve river conditions for Endangered Species Act listed fish. Click here to view timelapse footage.

Total project cost:  $3.2 million


Expand List item 33390Collapse List item 33390  MCNARY NAVIGATION LOCK CONCRETE REPAIRS

Within the upper portion of the McNary navigation lock, the walls have encountered multiple impacts from barges and vessels. The impacts have damaged some areas, causing concrete cracks, spalling and exposing of rebar. If these areas continue to endure impacts without repairs, large pieces of concrete may fall into the navigation lock, most likely causing more damage in the lower section of the navigation lock.

Total project cost: $802,000

2024 Extended Navigation Lock Outage has completed

The Walla Walla District reopened navigation locks on the Columbia and Snake rivers on March 29 after an eleven-week outage. This extended outage allowed the district to perform routine maintenance and to replace aged equipment to reduce the risk of asset failure.

Questions can be directed to or 509-527-7020

Progress Photos

Contractor has completed installing the new “land side” gate linkage and is starting on the “river side” linkage.
Contractor has completed installing the new “land side” gate linkage and is starting on the “river side” linkage.
Contractor has completed installing the new “land side” gate linkage and is starting on the “river side” linkage.
Contractor has completed installing the new “land side” gate linkage and is starting on the “river side” linkage.
Progress of the concrete repairs.
Progress of the concrete repairs.
Contractors completed initial prep work around damaged areas. Several of the repair sites have been formed and poured.
Contractors completed initial prep work around damaged areas. Several of the repair sites have been formed and poured.
Progress of the concrete repairs.
Progress of the concrete repairs.
Removing the existing gudgeon anchor linkages.
Preparing line bores for the new gudgeons.
Grout plates at the base of gudgeon rods.
McNary Downstream Gate Gudgeons, which hold the tops of the 400-ton gate leaves in place. This pre-construction photo shows only the ears of the anchors, which are buried in the concrete to the right and in the background.
Downstream control stand to be removed and replaced with a 2-story structure.
Existing 1952-vintage medium-voltage switchgear to be replaced at McNary.
Existing 1952-vintage instrumentation on switchgear at McNary.
Existing overloaded asbestos cable trays.
Contractor has finished installing the new HDPE walers.
Prepping the floor to slope the floor and establish a drain.
New air line installed pre-outage in support of the Power and Controls project at Lower Monumental.
New cabling being strung, pre-outage, at Lower Monumental while the old electrical system continues to function in support of navigation traffic.



Weekly Updates (Updated March 26)

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Expand List item 32814Collapse List item 32814  MCNARY GUDGEON ANCHOR REPLACEMENT
March 25 Update
Status: On schedule

New gudgeon anchors are installed. Final tests are being performed on new inspection platforms, but dry and wet gate testing has been completed for the anchors. The navigation lock is refilling and will be ready to return to service by midnight, March 29.

March 25 Update
Status: On schedule
Contractor has completed installing the new “river side” linkage. With the linkages installed, the next step is to perform dry gate testing.
March 14 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractor has completed installing the new “land side” gate linkage and is starting on the “river side” linkage.

March 7 Update
Status: On schedule

Line boring is complete. Contractor is painting the new components. New linkages are arriving for installation. They have already passed the necessary testing.


Feb. 29 Update
Status: On schedule

After the new anchors passed fitment tests, the contractor was able to demolition the existing linkages and remove them to make room for the new ones. They are finishing up on-site machining of the new parts and have begun line boring.

Feb. 12 Update
Status: On schedule

The contractor is working towards final fitment testing prior to the demo of existing to ensure proper installation will occur.

Feb. 1 Update
Status: On schedule

The contractor has finished securing the downstream gates to the lock walls and is preparing to remove the existing gudgeons, cut off the top of the old gudgeon anchors, and connect the new components.

Jan. 25 Update
Status: On schedule

The contractor is finishing the work to secure the downstream gates to the lock walls, prior to detaching the top of the gate from the existing gudgeons, which act as the hinges for the gate leaves. The anchor rods for the gudgeon anchors have been tension tested to withstand 800,000 lbs. The next step is to remove the existing gudgeons, cut off the top of the old gudgeon anchors, and connect the new components.

Jan. 19 Update
Status: On schedule
Contractor has installed anchor rods and grout plates, two components of the gudgeon anchors. The contractor is currently mobilizing equipment into the lock to lift the 400-ton gate leaves off the pintles and secure the leaves to the lock walls.
Expand List item 32815Collapse List item 32815  LOWER MONUMENTAL POWER AND CONTROLS REPLACEMENT
March 28 Update
Status: On schedule

The navigation lock has returned to service. Downstream electrical switchgear will be replaced in the coming months, requiring potential micro-outages in May.

March 25 Update
Status: On schedule
All cable trays have been installed and the lunchroom has returned to service. There is still some work to be done to modify control power, but that will not affect the navigation lock’s return to service.
March 14 Update
Status: On schedule

New switchgear will be going through operational commissioning to make sure everything works as expected. A commissioning schedule is being developed by the team and will be communicated to minimize impacts to Navigation stakeholders.

March 7 Update
Status: On schedule

New switchgear has been installed at LSP2. Contractor is finishing up the installation and anchoring the cabinets to the new raised housekeeping pads. Work will transition to LSP1 after LSP2 is complete. The lunchroom ceiling is on track to be reinstalled next week.

Feb. 29 Update
Status: On schedule

Work is progressing to get conduits installed before the ceiling of the lunchroom can be reinstalled. New electrical switchgear arrived onsite after a long 16-month delivery schedule. Contractor will be starting LSP2 switchgear installation this week.

Feb. 23 Update
Status: On schedule
Contractor has finished pouring concrete to slope the floor and establish a housekeeping pad for the LSP1 room. BPA switch has been installed and LSP2 gear has been laid out. Work is progressing to install grating and drain piping.
Feb. 12 Update
Status: On schedule

Conductors for SP25 and SP26 have been pulled out. Contractor is in the process of pouring concrete to slope the floor and establish a housekeeping pad for the LSP1 room. Ceiling tiles need to be reinstalled in the lunchroom. New equipment will be lowered into LSP2 room on Feb. 19.

Feb. 1 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractor has completed the switchover to temporary power and removed cable trays in LSP2 room. Lunchroom ceiling has been demolished. Next ceiling on the chopping block is in the men’s restroom, to allow access to important feeder cables. There will also be some concrete demolition in the LSP2 room to prepare for sloping the floor and establishing a housekeeping pad. Some grating and drain piping will also be installed.

Jan. 25 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractor has nearly completed installing temporary power. The next step is to demolish the lunchroom ceiling to access important power cables to enable replacement of those cables. Electrical switchgear will be demolished the week of January 29 and the concrete floor repair work will follow soon after.

Jan. 19 Update
Status: On schedule
Contractor is currently installing temporary power and cable trays and has repaired cracks found in the LS1 substation room. The electrical switchgear equipment has had unexpectedly long delivery times, which creates difficulties for the workflow. The next step in the work is to demolish existing medium- and low-voltage switchgear equipment before installing the new equipment.
Expand List item 32816Collapse List item 32816  LITTLE GOOSE NAVIGATION CULVERT CONCRETE REPAIRS (Completed!)
March 25 Update

Project complete!

March 14 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractor is about 90% done with repairs. Concrete placement in the culverts will begin soon. Should be able to demobilize next week.

March 7 Update
Status: On schedule

Site prep is complete and concrete work in the laterals/portals is progressing. Contractor is ready to start installing fiber reinforced polymer at the repair locations in the laterals and will begin to work in the culverts soon.

Feb. 29 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractor is on site and drying out the areas to be repaired. An additional crew member has been added to make sure the work is completed on time.

Feb. 23 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractors completed site visits. There are eight repair sites. Contractor will be removing material at repair sites, cleaning the sites, and then installing new concrete and fiber reinforced polymers as needed to make the areas serviceable again.

Expand List item 32817Collapse List item 32817  MCNARY POWER AND CONTROLS REPLACEMENT
March 28 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractor has removed all asbestos cable trays and installed all new cable trays. There is still work to be done with the switchgear and controls changeover. The lock control stands, bascule bridge electrical and control components, lock electrical transformers, and lock switchgear will be replaced after the outage, for commissioning in 2025.

March 25 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractor is 80% done with removing asbestos cable trays and installing the new cable trays. There is still work to be done with the switchgear and controls changeover. Temporary solutions will have to be found until other components can be replaced during future outages.

March 14 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractor is 80% done with removing asbestos cable trays and installing the new cable trays. There is still work to be done with the switchgear and controls changeover. Temporary solutions will have to be found until other components can be replaced during future outages.

March 7 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractor is currently working to make sure all the sensors on the bascule bridge are identified for their future replacement with new hardware.

Feb. 29 Update
Status: On schedule
Contractor finished removing asbestos cable trays under the operations building and has installed most of the new trays. Most new conduit has been installed. Work is currently progressing to change over the controls. This involves setting up contingencies for when the existing controls are taken off-line. Temporary power solutions may need to be put in place until new systems can be fully established.
Feb. 12 Update
Status: On schedule

Removing asbestos cable trays and installing new cable trays throughout the navigation building on the Washington side.

Jan. 25 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractor has finished installing conduit across the spillway. The asbestos abatement plan for the cable trays has also been finalized. Work is still underway to set up temporary controls for the navigation lock until the transition can be made to the new controls.

Jan. 19 Update
Status: On schedule
Contractor has installed conduit in the powerhouse and across two thirds of the spillway. There is also, now, an asbestos abatement plan in place for the existing cable trays. The work so far has taken longer than expected, and temporary controls will need to be put in place for the navigation lock until the transition can be made to the new controls.
Expand List item 32818Collapse List item 32818  LOWER GRANITE FLOATING GUIDE WALL TIMBER REPLACEMENT (Completed!)
Feb. 27 Update
Project complete!
Feb. 23 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractor has finished installing the new HDPE walers. Following successful inspections, the contractor will be cleaning up the site and demobilizing.

Feb. 12 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractor is working on installing the new HDPE walers on Pontoon #4.

Feb. 1 Update
Status: Ahead of schedule

The contractor is making steady progress, both on removing the existing lumber walers and installing HDPE walers in their place. Some new rubber fenders will need to be installed on the guide wall. Last week, the contractor was behind schedule due to weather impacts, but now they are ahead of schedule.

Jan. 25 Update
Status: Behind schedule

The contractor is removing the existing lumber walers in sections and is now starting to install the HDPE walers in their place. Work is progressing smoothly despite the cold. Meanwhile, inspections are being conducted on the guide wall’s rubber fenders/bumpers, which serve as a shock absorber behind the timbers, to determine if any need to be replaced.  So far, most of the existing fenders appear to be in good shape.

Jan. 19 Update
Status: On schedule
The new high-density polyethylene (HDPE) walers have arrived on site. The contractor has removed the floor plate on the floating guide wall, a process made difficult by the cold. The next step is to remove the existing lumber walers and associated hardware, making a clean space for the new walers to be installed.
Expand List item 33391Collapse List item 33391  MCNARY NAVIGATION LOCK CONCRETE REPAIRS (Completed!)
March 28 Update
Project complete!
March 25 Update
Status: Ahead of schedule
Contractor is about 95% done with repairs. Should be able to demobilize this week.
March 14 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractor is about 75% done with repairs. Should be able to demobilize next week. Current work is focused on mooring bit #3.

March 7 Update
Status: Ahead of schedule
Two of the four repair locations have been completed. Contractor still needs to pour concrete for the parapet wall.
Feb. 29 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractors completed initial prep work around damaged areas. Several of the repair sites have been formed and poured.

Feb. 23 Update
Status: On schedule

Contractors completed site visits. There are four repair sites. Contractor will be removing material at repair sites, cleaning the sites, and then installing new concrete and fiber reinforced polymers as needed to make the areas serviceable again.