Public Notices

Listed below are the current Public Notices published by the Walla Walla District for proposed projects within the state of Idaho. The Public Notices are sorted by Effective Date and are provided in PDF format. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC to view these files. 

Viewing Public Notices. To view a Public Notice, left-click on the Permit Application Number (highlighted in blue). To download the file to your PC, right-click on the Permit Application Number, then select "Save Target As" from the menu.

How to Submit Comments. To submit comments via email, cut and paste the email address of the respective Project Manager's from the table below into an email and in the subject line of your email enter: Public Notice Comments for (referencing the specific project).  To submit comments in writing, send them to the respective Project Manager at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District Regulatory Division, 720 E. Park Blvd., Suite 245, Boise, ID 83712. All comments should include the permit application number and project name, your name, address, and phone number.

Special Public Notice: Mailing List Update

Published Nov. 8, 2017


ANNOUNCEMENT: The Regulatory Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Walla Walla District issues public notices (PN) soliciting public comments on proposed projects requiring Individual Permits (IP) issued by the Department of the Army, also known as Corps permits, and to notify the public of any Special Public Notices announcing updates from the Regulatory Division. We are updating our list of individuals and organizations interested in receiving notification(s) of Regulatory Division IP public notices.

PROCEDURES: Electronic versions of PNs will be emailed to those individuals and organizations who request to be on our electronic mailing list(s) and the PNs will also be available on the Walla Walla District’s Regulatory Division website at

The Regulatory Division will continue to provide notice of availability of PNs to property owners adjacent to proposed projects subject to IP’s and individuals who do not have access to the internet or email. These notifications would include a paper copy of the PN with all attachments and be sent through the U.S. Post Office.

The Walla Walla District Regulatory Branch has jurisdiction over the entire State of Idaho. PN distribution lists for proposed projects are organized by Regulatory Division office boundaries, Idaho counties, and watersheds that lie within boundary lines. We can notify you of proposed projects subject to IPs in any or all of the above mentioned distribution lists. We also maintain a Special Public Notice mailing list for Regulatory Program updates concerning regulations, policies and procedures.

As we update our mailing lists, we are looking for the following replies to this Special Public Notice:

    • For recipients of email notifications: Let us know if you would like to change your notification request list. Please see attached form which lists regions     (Regulatory Division Offices and counties) and types of PNs you can request. Also, please ensure that your email account will accept our emails (i.e. not subject to     SPAM blockers, requires verification, etc.). If we receive returned emails as undeliverable, your email address will be deleted from our mailing list(s).

    • For recipients of hard copy notifications: Let us know if the information we have is correct and notify us of any changes. If you have an email address that could be     used for notifications please include that. Those who do not confirm within 30 days from the date of this Special Public Notice will be removed from our mailing list.

    • For all current recipients please update contact information if changes have occurred.

    • For any individuals not yet on a PN distribution list please request to be added to our mailing list(s) via email or mail.

We strongly encourage those that are currently receiving hard copies to send us your email address to receive electronic copies of Corps PNs. This is a more efficient process which save time and resources.

FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT: If you know of anyone not receiving this Special Public Notice (SPN), who would be interested in receiving our public notices, please share this SPN with them or forward them to our webpage at  where they may obtain a copy of this document and attached form, or where they can find our PN Distribution email at  and send either updated information or their contact information to be added to our E-Notification list.



Stay up to date on our most recent Public Notices.

The Public Notice, drawings, and attachments will be available for you to view, download, and/or print here on our Public Notice home page.

To add or update your information to our E-Notification list, please email us with your updated information, or please fill out one or both forms below for Idaho Counties and/or Idaho Watershed Public Notice Distribution List(s) and email them to us at:


Idaho Counties PN Distribution List Form

Idaho Watershed PN Distribution List Form