Approved Jurisdictional Determinations

2017 Jurisdicional Determinations

Approved Waters of the U.S.

Permit Number




NWW-2017-00681 Fremont Wastewater Improvement 12/21/2017 
NWW-2017-00684 Teton Commercial Development 11/16/2017
NWW-2008-00438 Madison Wetland Delineation 11/13/2017
NWW-2017-00599 Boise Wetland Restoration 11/01/2017 
NWW-1994-0202770 (1) Valley Residential Development 09/03/2017
NWW-1994-0202770 (2) Valley Residential Development 09/03/2017
NWW-2017-00173 Madison Road Crossings 06/13/2017
NWW-2016-00587 Canyon Commercial Development 02/28/2017
NWW-2016-00245 Teton Wetland Delineation 01/12/2017
NWW-2016-00631 Teton Residential Development 01/10/2017



Dry Land Approved Jurisdictional Determination

Permit Number




NWW-2017-00524 Fremont Public Infrastructure 09/26/2017
NWW-2017-00415 Madison Bridge Construction 08/01/2017
NWW-2017-00412 Bonner Residential Development 07/19/2017
NWW-2017-00342 Lemhi Bank Stabilization 06/20/2017
NWW-2017-00015 Butte Commercial Development 06/02/2017
NWW-2017-00274 Bonner Residential Development 05/31/2017
NWW-2017-00187 Bonner Commercial Development 05/05/2017 
NWW-2017-00186 Madison Residential Development 05/05/2017
NWW-2017-00071 Ada Residential Development 05/03/2017
NWW-2017-00168 Canyon Public Infrastructure 04/28/2017
NWW-2017-00058 Teton Residential Development 04/13/2017
NWW-2017-00017 Bannock Wetland Restoration 01/13/2017
NWW-2017-00012 Jefferson Commercial Development 01/09/2017