Bruces Eddy

Bruce’s Eddy is a day-use area located on the east side of Dworshak Dam.  Bruce’s Eddy has two boat ramps, bathroom facilities that include water, picnic area, and trailheads.  Merry’s Bay trailhead is located at the Bruce’s Eddy parking lot which lead to Merry’s Bay day-use and is 1 1/4 miles.  The West Ridge trailhead is located on the A road, and is 2 miles in length.

History of Bruce’s Eddy- Bruce’s Eddy was the original name of the Dam, which was later changer to Dworshak Dam for Henry Dworshak.  Henry Dworshak was a US Senator that go the funding for the dam.

In logging history Bruce’s Eddy was chosen to serve as a work and storage location for logs by utilizing an inclined railway with a marine log elevator.  Logs on the reservoir were pulled by a tug for storage in a boom on the water until they were ready to be extracted.  The marine railway log elevator then pulled the logs out to be loaded on to trucks.  The log elevator was put out of commission in 2001, but the remains can still be seen at Bruce’s Eddy.  The log elevator offers a nice place to fish and swim at.  


Please consider the following when planning your trip to Bruce’s Eddy:

-The use of Bruce’s Eddy is free. No overnight camping allowed.

-Bruce’s Eddy is open year round.

-Two boat ramps are available.  Ramp #1 is usable down to water elevation 1490 msl and Ramp #2 is usable down to water elevation 1560 msl.  Life jacket loaner boards are available at both boat ramps. Pets need to be on a leash and under control.

-Dumpster availability is limited to the summer.  “Pack It In-Pack It Out” bags are located at each boat ramp and are available for use on the reservoir. 

-Potable water is located at the bathroom and available for visitors at Bruce’s Eddy.



-Hunting is prohibited.  Fishing is allowed at boat ramp #2 when it becomes unusable for launching boats.

 -Swimming is not allowed at boat ramps.

 -ATV’s use is allowed on the roadways.

 -Cell phone service is limited at best. 


Contact Us

Dworshak Reservoir Natural Resources
P.O. Box 48
Ahsahka, Idaho 83520

Visitor Center Staff
24-hour Information

Big Eddy Marina Information


Dworshak State Park
