General Information
Type of Recreation: Day-Use, Boating, Fishing, Hiking, Wildlife Viewing, Hunting (See Alerts and Important Information)
State: Washington
County: Walla Walla
Administering Office: Ice Harbor Lock & Dam
Location: Lake Sacajawea, Snake River Mile 25, South River Bank
Highway Directions: 19 miles east of Burbank on Highway 124, and 6 miles north on Rice Road.
Day-Use Area: Parking, Kiosk with Maps, Rules and Regulations brochures
Season and Hours of Operation
Year round, with no specific hours of operation
Operating Agency
Name: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Address: 2339 Monument Drive
Burbank, WA 99323
Phone: 509-547-2048
Distance to Nearest
Hospital: 36 Miles (Our Lady of Lourdes, Pasco, Washington, 509-547-7704)
Grocery Store: 32 Miles
Alerts and Important Information/Notes
Hunting is allowed with shotgun and archery only.
Hunting regulations, seasons and hours are set by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Camping and open fires are prohibited.
Target, clay pigeon shooting and "plinking" are prohibited
Pick up your litter when you leave. (PACK IT IN PACK IT OUT)
Be aware that other project visitors may be using hunting areas for different recreational activities.
Authorized vehicles only