Swallows Park


General InformationType of Recreation: Day-Use and Boating
State: Washington
County: Asotin
Administering Office: Lower Granite Natural Resources Office
Location: Lower Granite Lake, Snake River Mile 142, West River Bank.
Acreage: 64 Acres
Highway Directions: 1 mile south of Clarkston, Washington, on Highway 129.

Day-Use Area: Picnic Tables
Large Covered Shelter with Electricity and Water
Volunteer Park Host on Duty
Flush Toilets
Drinking Water
Multi-Purpose Hiking and Biking Trails
ADA Accessible
Volleyball Court
Boating: 4-Lane Launch Ramp
Handling Dock
Tie-Up Dock

Season and Hours of Operation
Year round, 7:30 a.m. to sunset.

Operating Agency
Name: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Address: 100 Fair Street
Clarkston, Washington 99403
Phone: 509-751-0240
Contact: Resource Manager

Trail Mileages
Lewiston Levee Parkway Total 12.3
Greenbelt Mileage Total
Greenbelt Boat Ramp to Chestnut Street 0.8 0.8
Chestnut Street to Handicap Fishing Dock Parking Lot 0.6 1.4
Handicap Fishing Dock Parking Lot to Greenbelt 0.3 1.7
Southway Bridge to N. Swallows Park Sign 0.3 2.5
N. Swallows Swimming Beach Parking Lot to S. Swallows Swimming
Beach Parking Lot 0.2 2.9
S. Swallows Swimming Beach Parking Lot to Swallows Park Launch 0.2 3.1
Swallows Park Launch to Swallows Park Marina Entrance 0.4 3.5
S. Swallows Park Sign to Chief Looking Glass Park 3.0 6.7
Swallows Park Marina Entrance to S. Swallows Park Sign 0.2 3.7
N. Swallows Park Sign to N. Swallows Swimming Beach Parking Lot 0.2 2.7
Greenbelt to Lewiston Levee Parkway (Southway Bridge) 0.5 2.2
Greenbelt Total 6.7
Total Miles 19.0

Distance to Nearest
Hospital: 1 Mile (Tri-State Memorial Clarkston, Washington: 509-758-551)
Grocery Store: 2 Miles
Motel: 2 Miles
Restaurant: 2 Miles
Airport: 6 Miles
Auto Mechanic: 2 Miles

Pets must be kept on a leash. Horses are prohibited. No open fires allowed. Charcoal and propane fires are acceptable. The Lower Granite Natural Resources Office can be reached at 509-751-0240.


Contact Us

Lower Granite Natural Resources
Management Office
100 Fair Street
Clarkston,  WA  99403
Phone: 509-751-0240
E-mail: clarkstonnaturalresources@usace.army.mil

Lower Granite Visitor Center
Phone:  509-843-2214

water safety