No wood fires allowed from June 10 through October 10.  Charcoal and propane fires are acceptable.  The Park Rangers can be reached at 509-547-2048.

Ayer Boat Basin

General Information
Type of Recreation: Camping, Day-Use, Boating, Fishing
State: Washington
County: Walla Walla
Administering Office: Ice Harbor Lock and Dam
Location: Lake West, Snake River Mile 51, South River Bank
Acreage: 170 Acres
Highway Directions: 26 miles east of Burbank, Washington, on Highway 124; 24 miles north through Clyde and Pleasant View to Ayer.

Camping Area: Primitive Sites, No Designated Sites
Day-Use Area: Vault Toilets, Covered Shelters
Boating: 2-Lane Launch Ramp, Handling Dock

Season and Hours of Operation
Year round, with no specific hours of operation.

Operating Agency
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Western Project Resource Manager
Address: 2339 Monument Drive
Burbank, WA 99323
Phone: 509-547-2048

Distance to Nearest
Hospital: 45 Miles (Lourdes Medical Center, Pasco, WA, 509-547-7704; or Walla Walla General, Walla Walla, WA, 509-525-0480)
Grocery Store: 45 Miles

Alerts and Important Information/Notes
Pets must be kept on a leash.
Hunting is prohibited.

Contact Us

Ice Harbor Natural Resources
Management Office
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
2339 Monument Drive
Burbank, WA 99323
Phone: 509-547-2048

water safety