US Army Corps of Engineers
Walla Walla District Website

Author: Hannah Mitchell
  • October

    Corps repurposes native willow for habitat improvement

    In an effort to stabilize shorelines, protect cultural sites and improve habitat for fish and wildlife, Corps engineers, biologists and environmental scientists have repurposed native coyote willow found below the Mill Creek Diversion Dam at Rooks Park in Walla Walla.
  • August

    Constructing Habitat for an Industrious Owl

    For most bird species, the concept of living underground would be considered strange. For the burrowing owl, living anywhere else would be unthinkable.
  • November

    New laser at McNary Dam is the latest technology for deterring birds

    In an effort to discourage birds from snatching up juvenile salmon below McNary Dam, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Walla Walla District has bought a laser.
  • Remote Operated Vehicle sent from Portland to do inspection at McNary

    The Columbia River was a deep shade of ocean blue, and the sky was surprisingly clear and sunny for a November afternoon. A perfect day for a dive. On top of McNary dam, on November 4, two men unloaded a large, green remote operated vehicle (ROV) from the back of their trailer. The task for the day was to send the ROV down on the upstream side of the dam to conduct an inspection.