Tag: environment
  • December

    Reviving Boise’s Barber Pool

    Efforts to restore the Barber Pool Conservation Area in Boise, Idaho, are discussed by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District personnel during a public scoping meeting held at Boise, Nov. 20, 2024. The initiative aims to rejuvenate the area’s ecosystems while enhancing public awareness and education. The meeting invited the public to hear more about the scope of the feasibility study and proposed efforts for restoration of the BPCA under the Continuing Authorities Program (CAP).
  • July

    Larger than life: A history of Dworshak Dam

    In May 1948, floodwaters on the Columbia River overtopped the cofferdam where construction was underway on McNary Lock and Dam. This flood, one of the largest on record, was one of many documented in the region since the mid-1880s. The propensity for flooding in the Northwest sparked much discussion about regional flood control.
  • May

    The Corps Environment - May 2022 issue now available

    The May 2022 issue of The Corps Environment is now available! This edition features initiatives from across the Army environmental community that are protecting and preserving our environment for current and future generations.
  • April

    Docks along the shoreline: The intersection of public and private property

    For those who live along the river, the idea of having a boat dock can be attractive. However, specific laws, rules and procedures go into installing a boat dock, and it’s important to be aware of the process, especially for those living adjacent to federally managed shorelines.
  • February

    The Corps Environment – February 2022 issue now available

    The February 2022 edition of The Corps Environment is now available! This edition highlights fostering sustainability as a way of life, in support of Environmental Operating Principle #1and features initiatives from across the Army environmental community that are helping to shape a sustainable environment for current and future generations.
  • May

    The Corps Environment - May 2021 issue now available

    The May 2021 edition of The Corps Environment is now available! This edition highlights protecting and preserving the environment, in support of Environmental Operating Principle #4. Content includes commentary from Col. Alicia Masson, Commander of U.S. Army Environmental Command, and highlights initiatives across the Army environmental community.
  • November

    Improving Biodiversity in the Habitat Management Units

    Habitat Management Units, or HMUs, are different from other parks. While parks are maintained to provide recreational opportunities, HMUs are areas of land dedicated to environmental stewardship.
  • October

    Corps repurposes native willow for habitat improvement

    In an effort to stabilize shorelines, protect cultural sites and improve habitat for fish and wildlife, Corps engineers, biologists and environmental scientists have repurposed native coyote willow found below the Mill Creek Diversion Dam at Rooks Park in Walla Walla.
  • May

    The Corps Environment - May 2020 issue now available

    The Corps Environment May 2020 issue is now available. This edition highlights protecting and preserving the environment, in support of USACE's Environmental Operating Principle #4, and showcases extraordinary environmental stewardship efforts across the Army.