Pacific Northwest Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Workshop

Endorsed by USACE Northwest Division

Hosted by Walla Walla District

Description: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwest Division is hosting an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) workshop to share and discuss AIS management with Tribes and Federal agencies within the Pacific Northwest Region.

AIS is a growing concern across the nation and requires a consensus of management, understanding, and knowledge to battle this growing issue. The purpose of this first workshop is to bring federal and tribal entities together to start sharing information regarding the management of AIS in the Pacific Northwest Region.

The workshop’s intention is to have an open forum with all parties to discuss AIS management, concerns on management, and to start collaboration for the future. Along with tribal and government agencies, technical experts on AIS management will be invited from across the nation to share best management practices, their research, and knowledge.

Event Date: November 5 though 7

Location: Walla Walla, WA (venue TBD)

Registration form




Draft Outline Agenda

Day 1 of AIS workshop:

0745-0815 Welcome & Introductions-NWW

0815-0845 Intent of meeting presentation- NWD representative.

  1. Sharing and working towards building consensus for AIS management in the Pacific Northwest among the federal and tribal family.
  2. Prevention and Monitoring is in place-WID, Monitoring, etc.; but what is the Action once something gets through.

0845-0915 The Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) problem-ERDC/NWW

0915-0945 USFWS-Horizon planning, HSAP, Biosecurity-Theresa Thom

0945-1000 Break

1000-1100 Application Planning and Monitoring –Dr. Sperry (ERDC and Univ. of Florida)-with 30 minutes open discussion.

1100-1200 Maintenance Control – Dr. Ferrell and others, with 30 minutes open discussion.

  1. Using less herbicides and performing less actions early, versus more later.
  2. Ecologically and Economically Not seeking a routine O&M herbicide and mechanical AIS treatment program. 
    1. Strategy is to bring native species back.
    2. Support native species establishment.
    3. Reduce long-term suppression needs for AIS.

1200-1300 Lunch

Afternoon of Day 1

1300-1600 Various topics based on input from Federal Agencies and Tribes.

*See list below of potential topic suggestions.

  • USFWS-Theresa Thom-Presentation on AIS Risk Analysis and Risk Mitigation.
  • Conventional AIS management methods-ERDC (Dr. Sperry, Dr. Harms (biocontrol), Dr. Ferrell)


Day 2 of AIS workshop

0745-1200 Various topics based on input from Federal Agencies and Tribes.

*See list below of potential topics suggestions.

  • Discussion on Quagga Mussel Response

1200-1300 Lunch

1300-1600 Various topics based on input from Federal Agencies and Tribes.

*See list below of potential topics suggestions.


Day 3 Morning-Regional Leaders Discussion:

*Need input from SES, etc. on format and agenda they want this meeting to have.



List of potential Topics for presentations and discussion:

  1. Fish exposure modeling from aquatic herbicide treatment-PNW-Dr. David Smith.
    1. Discuss on previous work (CRB, etc.), upcoming work (Missouri River), potential future CRB work.
  2. Water exchange hydrodynamic in treatment of AIS (Flowering Rush)-Dr. Sartain.
  3. Dissolve Oxygen (DO) and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) impacts after treatment(s).
    1. DO and BOD work in PNW. Dr. Getsinger & Dr. Sartain 1 to 2 Discussion/panel topic.
    2. DO and BOD work across the nation (warm water systems)-Dr. Sperry and Dr. Ferrell.
  4. Traditional Knowledge: Mike E. and Tribes
  5. Environmental Fate of Herbicides – Dr. Ferrell Univ. of Florida.
    1. Herbicide degradation and movement.
    2. EPA risk assessment process for pesticide registration & specifically aquatics.
  6. Presentation on ecological impacts of aquatic invasive species (case studies, etc.).
    1. Example the Mega data analysis from Florida on lakes that have treatments vs. no treatment and impact on the fish and ecological systems.
  7. Aquatic Plant Management: Myths– Dr. Sperry.
    1. Fish Kills, Fish sores, Sediment, Plant ecology.
  8. Turbidity issues with Mechanical, manual, and chemical treatments.
    1. Spread issues with fragmentation and disturbance of plants.
      1. Containment and control issues.
    2. Impacts to ecological systems (fish-salmonids, etc.).
  9. Critical Habitat Discussion.
    1. Aquatic Invasive Plants vs. Aquatic Native Plants.
    2. AIS plants are critical habitat or provide some level of habitat.
  10. Size of treatments and timing of treatments.- Dr. Sartain or Getsinger
  11. Warm water aquatic systems data vs. cold water aquatic systems data (proper usage of science data).-Dr. Sperry
  12. Data gaps? -Known or perceived.


AIS management topics, subject matter, and presentations will change and adjust as USACE receives input through technical and management channels from the Federal agencies (NMFS, USFWS, BOR) and Tribes.

  1. Seeking subjects, federal agencies and tribes would like to discuss and have a specialist provide current and past research that has been performed.