Pacific Northwest Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Workshop

Endorsed by USACE Northwest Division

Hosted by Walla Walla District

Description: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwest Division is hosting an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) workshop to share and discuss AIS management with Tribes and Federal agencies within the Pacific Northwest Region.

AIS is a growing concern across the nation and requires a consensus of management, understanding, and knowledge to battle this growing issue. The purpose of this first workshop is to bring federal and tribal entities together to start sharing information regarding the management of AIS in the Pacific Northwest Region.

The workshop’s intention is to have an open forum with all parties to discuss AIS management, concerns on management, and to start collaboration for the future. Along with tribal and government agencies, technical experts on AIS management will be invited from across the nation to share best management practices, their research, and knowledge.

Event Date: November 5 though 7


Day 1: Walla Walla Community College Water Resources Center, 640 Water Center Dr. Walla Walla, WA 99362

Day 2: USACE Walla Walla District Office, 201 N. 3rd Ave. Walla Walla, WA 99362

Day 3: Walla Walla Community College Water Resources Center, 640 Water Center Dr. Walla Walla, WA 99362

Registration form





Workshop Agenda

*Presentation Time Slots half of the time is presentation and other half of the time is for discussion and questions.

Webex Link for Meeting: | 1995605785


Download a copy of the agenda


Day 1 of AIS Workshop – Tuesday November 5, 2024

Walla Walla Community College Water Resources Center

640 Water Center Dr. Walla Walla, WA 99362


Theme: What is the Issue

Time (pacific)




Start Time



Welcome & Introductions from hosts

Damian Walter (ERDC), &

Chris Alford (USACE Walla Walla District)



Opening Remarks from the Walla Walla District Commander

LTC Kathryn Werback, Commander

USACE Walla Walla District  



Intent of the Meeting-

The Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) problem

USACE Engineering, Research, Design Center (ERDC)

USACE Walla Walla District Staff

- Sharing and working towards building consensus for AIS management in the Pacific Northwest among the federal and tribal family.




Horizon planning, HSAP, Biosecurity

Dr. Theresa Thom-USFWS-Regional AIS Coordinator

How do we plan and model AIS, predict future issues





AIS Risk Analysis and Risk Mitigation

Dr. Theresa Thom-USFWS-Regional AIS Coordinator


What is lost by the effects of AIS


FORUM: Open Discussion on AIS risks, concerns, action for AIS already hear and what might or can get here?




Forum : What is the NW Issue-perceptions on AIS, taking action, economics, impacts to Environmentally and Culturally Sensitive and Critical Habitat.



WWCC Cafeteria or other local food services nearby.




Intro to afternoon sessions.



Application Planning and Monitoring

Dr. Ben Sperry, ERDC and Univ. of Florida, Research Biologist

How can we monitor or plan for future to reduce infestations?



Conventional AIS management methods


 Dr. Ben Sperry-ERDC

Dr. Nathan Harms (biocontrol)-ERDC, Senior Research Biologist

Dr. Jay Ferrell- Univ. Of Florida, Professor and Chair

Discuss Pros and Cons of Mechanical, Chemical, Biological control methods






The Science behind it-ERDC and APM research

Dr. Kurt Getsinger, ERDC, Research Biologist


Steps of Research and then into the field (Registration, Label, etc. etc.)



Parking lot topics and Open discussion on AIS

Ideas: Aquatic Invasive Plants vs. Aquatic Native Plants


AIS plants are critical habitat or provide some level of habitat.


Review Agenda for tomorrow



Day 2 of AIS workshop – Wednesday November 6, 2024

USACE Walla Walla District Office – Harvest Room

201 N 3rd Ave, Walla Walla, WA


Theme: How do we manage AIS?





Start Time



Welcome message by US Army Corps of Engineers Northwest Division

Beth Coffey, Director of Programs

USACE Northwest Division



Environmental Fate of Herbicides

Dr. Jay Ferrell-Univ. of Florida

Herbicide degradation and movement.

EPA risk assessment process for pesticide registration & specifically aquatics.


Maintenance Control, Size of Treatments and timing of Treatments

Dr. Jay Ferrell- Univ. Of Florida,

Dr. Bradley Sartain, ERDC, Research Biologist

Dr. Kurt Getsinger


Using less herbicides and performing less actions early, versus more later.

Ecologically and Economically Not seeking a routine O&M herbicide and mechanical AIS treatment program. 

  • Strategy is to bring native species back.
  • Support native species establishment.
  • Reduce long-term suppression needs for AIS.


Aquatic Plant Management: Myths

Dr. Sperry

Fish Kills, Fish Sores, Sediment, Plant Ecology, other myths


Dissolve Oxygen (DO) and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) impacts after treatment(s).  1 hour Discussion/panel topic

  1. DO and BOD work in PNW. Dr. Getsinger & Dr. Sartain.
  2. DO and BOD work across the nation (warm water systems)-Dr. Sperry and Dr. Ferrell.

Short presentation on various work performed on DO and BOD researchers. Open forum discussion


Lunch: Nearby in downtown Walla Walla, WA



Discussion on Quagga Mussel Response in Twin Falls.

Damian Walter and Jonas Grundman

Issues, Concerns, Comments, by attendees


Breakout Session: NEPA, ESA, NHPA (Section 106) Representatives

Grande Rhonde Room

Facilitators: Karl Anderson, Karen Kelly, USACE

Challenges with ESA Consultations

Discuss recent challenges on federal coordination on NEPA


Breakout Session: Indigenous Knowledge contributions to invasive species management

Harvest Room

Pei-Lin Yu, Tribal Liaison USACE

Share and learn about traditional knowledge and principles for controlling invasive species from a tribal perspective, including recent successes, challenges, and recommends.


All back in Harvest Room

Wrap Up and review tomorrow’s agenda




Day 3 of AIS Workshop – Thursday November 7, 2024

Walla Walla Community College Water Resources Center

640 Water Center Dr. Walla Walla, WA 99362






AIS treatment and juvenile salmonid exposure modeling & ZQ Mussel establishment modeling for McNary Adult Fish Ladder

Dr. David Smith, ERDC, EcoHydraulics

Progressive modeling to assess AIS impacts and exposure within a run of the river reservoir.


Recap from Breakout Sessions


Summarize what was discussed in breakouts.

Did we capture everything?

  1. Due-outs and tasks.
  2. Who is assigned or POC lead.

Open discussion on additional topics, subjects, research for future presentations, data gaps (known or perceived), etc.





USGS monitoring results from the 2023 Snake River quagga response.

Austin Baldwin, USGS, Research Hydrologist

Water, sediment, and benthic macroinvertebrate sample analysis for copper from 2023 response.


Data and Discussion for future meeting(s).

Topics/Subjects for if future meeting


1) Next steps, what, when, where?

2)What to Share, for staff, to present to their leadership.


Closing Remarks

Damian Walter


