Renewing Existing Vegetation Modification Permit

Renewing Existing Vegetation Modification Permit

A vegetation modification permit may be required of any property owner sharing a boundary with Corps-managed public lands within an area designated for Limited Development, whether they are a dockowner or non-dockowner. Such permits are typically required for planting, mowing, pruning and weed control. See page 14 of the McNary Shoreline Management Plan for additional information.

You will need to submit the following items to:

Ice Harbor Lock and Dam Natural Resources Management Office
2339 Monument Drive
Burbank, Washington 99323

A. Two copies of “Application for a Shoreline use Permit”
Instructions for completing - ENG Form 4264-R
ENG Form 4264-R

B. $10.00 check or money order payable to F&AO, USAED, Walla Walla.

If you have any questions please contact Ice Harbor Lock and Dam Natural Resources Management Office at 509-543-6062 or 509-543-6060 or by e-mail at