17-020 Corps invites comments on draft FONSI for Elk Bend wastewater project

Published March 8, 2017

Elk Bend, Idaho – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Walla Walla District invites public comments on a draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Elk Bend, Idaho, Wastewater System Improvements Project. Comments are due to the Corps no later than Thursday, April 6, 2017.

The Corps proposes to assist the Elk Bend, Idaho, Sewer District (EBSD) with rehabilitation of its wastewater collection and treatment systems project. The proposed action consists of replacing the existing wastewater treatment plant at Elk Bend, replacing the large scale absorption system (LSAS) for Elk Bend on a new site, and replacing two remote lift stations, one at Elk Bend and one at Steelhead Bend. A pair of force mains and a pump system would transfer treated effluent from the treatment plant site to the LSAS site.

The Corps is not assisting the Elk Bend Sewer District with the entire proposed action. The Corps and the EBSD have agreed the Corps would provide funding to assist with preliminary and final design for the complete project; the Elk Horn Drive lift station demolition, replacement, and site fencing; Steelhead Bend lift station demolition, replacement, and site fencing; new power drop for the Steelhead Bend lift station; and the Corps’ environmental review and documentation. Corps participation in this project is authorized under Section 595 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1999.

The City of Elk Bend submitted to the Corps an Environmental Information Document (EID) for the Elk Bend Wastewater System Improvements Project. While the Corps had no role in the preparation of the EID, it did undertake an independent review of the document and determined the information contained in it is accurate and satisfies the requirements of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations.

Links to the Elk Bend EID, Corps’ draft FONSI and other related documents are available on the Walla Walla District website at http://www.nww.usace.army.mil/Missions/Environmental-Compliance/.

Public comments must be e-mailed or postmarked no later than Thursday, April 6, 2017, to NEPANWW@usace.army.mil or sent via U.S. Mail. Insert “Elk Bend 595” in the email subject line. Mail written comments to:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District
ATTN: CENWW-PPL-C (Elk Bend 595)
201 North 3rd Ave.
Walla Walla, WA 99362

If you have questions, write or e-mail the Corps at the addresses above, or call the Corps’ Environmental Coordinator at 509-527-7245.


Public Affairs Office

Release no. 17-020