Archive: 2013
  • 13-078 Dworshak discharge flows to change

    AHSAHKA, Idaho – Water discharge from Dworshak Dam near Orofino, Idaho, will temporarily fluctuate on Wednesday, Dec. 18, between 6 a.m. and 5 p.m. while U.S. Army Corps of Engineers staff run tests on hydroelectric generator Number 2 which recently underwent periodic maintenance, operations officials at the dam announced today.
  • 13-077 Winter weather closes some Dworshak recreation facilities; Visitor Center holiday closures announced

    AHSAHKA, Idaho –Dworshak Dam and Reservoir staff will close Dent Acres Campground for the winter season beginning Dec. 16, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ officials announced, today.
  • 13-076 Corps dams to close for vehicle crossings on Christmas, News Year’s Day; Travelers should plan alternate routes across lower Snake River

    WALLA WALLA, Wash. – If your upcoming Christmas, News Year’s Day plans include a road trip to visit family and friends on the opposite side of the lower Snake River, you may want to keep in mind that U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dams are closed to cross-dam public vehicle traffic on federal holidays, unless otherwise announced.
  • 13-075 Vehicle-crossings temporarily suspended to accommodate security exercise

    LOWER SNAKE RIVER, Wash. – Public vehicle crossings at three dams on the lower Snake River are temporarily suspended throughout today, Nov. 26, to accommodate a security exercise, according to officials with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Walla Walla District.
  • 13-074 - Corps invites public comments on permit applications for dredging Lewiston and Clarkston port berthing areas

    Regulatory officials of the Walla Walla and Seattle Districts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invite public comments on two lower Snake River system ports’ applications to dredge port berthing areas and dispose of dredged material. Written comments are due to the Corps no later than Dec. 18, 2013, regarding Port of Lewiston, Idaho, and/or Port of Clarkston, Wash., applications to perform port dredging work in conjunction with the Corps’ proposed “Immediate Need Action” of dredging detailed in its Lower Snake River Programmatic Sediment Management Plan (PSMP) Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS).
  • 13-073 - Dworshak discharge flows to change

    AHSAHKA, Idaho – Water discharge from Dworshak Dam near Orofino, Idaho, will temporarily fluctuate on Thursday between 6 a.m. and 5 p.m. while U.S. Army Corps of Engineers staff run tests on hydroelectric generator Number 1 which recently underwent periodic maintenance, operations officials at the dam announced today.
  • 13-072 - Lower Granite Dam open for vehicle crossings on Veterans Day

    If your upcoming Veterans Day weekend plans include a road trip to visit family and friends on the opposite side of the lower Snake River, you may want to keep in mind that most U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dams are closed to cross-dam public vehicle traffic on federal holidays, unless otherwise announced.
  • 13-071 - Corps invites public comments on Inland Avian Predation Management Plan environmental assessment

    SNAKE RIVER, Wash. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Walla Walla District invites public comments on a draft environmental assessment (EA) and draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Inland Avian Predation Management Plan (IAPMP). Comments are due by Dec. 2.
  • 13-070 Fire crews conducting Elk Creek Meadows prescribed burn through Saturday at Dworshak

    AHSAHKA, Idaho – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Natural Resources staff at Dworshak Dam and Reservoir will work with Clearwater-Nez Perce National Forest fire crews to conduct prescribed burning just southwest of Dicks Creek beginning today and continuing through Saturday, Oct. 26. Dicks Creek is located on the north side of the reservoir between Freeman Creek State Park and Dent Acres. Burn plans are contingent upon favorable weather conditions.
  • 13-069 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announces closure of all Regulatory Offices due to federal government shutdown

    WALLA WALLA, Wash. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Walla Walla District today announced it will close its Regulatory offices due to the absence of available federal funding. Regulatory offices will be unable to evaluate individual permit applications, pre-construction notifications (PCNs) for nationwide permit (NWP) or regional general permit authorizations, or requests for jurisdictional determinations until after current year funding is received and the offices reopen.