Archive: April, 2013
  • 13-027 Illia Dunes parking to be limited for safety beginning in May

    POMEROY, Wash. – Typical summer weekend visitation at Illia Dunes, a popular area near Lower Granite Lock and Dam on the lower Snake River, is 100 to 300 visitors, with up to 2,000 visitors on long holiday weekends or just before school begins in late summer. After an unexpected Aug. 25-26, 2012, weekend crowd of about 3,000 Illia Dunes visitors left behind thousands of pounds of trash, broken glass, foam coolers and other litter on the beach and along three miles of road ditch, the Walla Walla District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had no choice but to temporarily close the “Dunes” on Aug. 27 last year until it was safe again for visitors. The Dunes reopened on Sunday, Sept. 2, after a week-long cleanup effort by Corps staff and volunteers, just prior to the Monday Labor Day holiday. At that time, the Corps announced it would review options for maintaining public safety and health at Illia Dunes during the 2013 recreation season. To maintain safety, beginning in May this year, the Corps plans to limit Illia Dunes parking to two nearby Corps parking lots only. No public parking will be allowed on the adjacent 50-mph speed limit Almota Ferry Road as in past years.
  • 13-026 Corps invites public to New Mill Creek Office ribbon-cutting and open house events

    WALLA WALLA, Wash. – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers staff at Mill Creek Dam and Bennington Lake invite the public to attend a grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony at 1 p.m. on Friday, April 19 to celebrate the completion of the new Mill Creek Office building, the Walla Walla District’s first civil works construction project built to achieve Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) sustainable-building standards.
  • 13-025 Corps extends public comment period on potential water quality effects of proposed Snake River sediment management

    LEWISTON, Wash. – To allow for wider public input, the Walla Walla District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is extending the public comment period regarding Clean Water Act (CWA) compliance for a proposed dredging and in-water disposal action. Comments on the CWA compliance for the proposed dredging and in-water work are now due to the Corps by April 30. A separate but related public comment period for the Washington Dept. of Ecology regarding the same proposed in-water work has also been extended to April 30.
  • 13-024 Dworshak announces early spring recreation opportunities

    WALLA WALLA, Wash. – Enjoy early springtime in picturesque north Idaho at outdoor recreation facilities operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Dworshak Dam and Reservoir.
  • 13-023 Corps reopens Hood Park day use area after gas leak repair

    BURBANK, Wash. –The Walla Walla District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has reopened the Hood Park day use area near Burbank today. It had been closed due to a gas leak on the on the east side of the Park in the ponds area. Cascade Natural Gas repaired their gas line that runs through the park.