Lower Granite Dam open for vehicle crossings on Veterans Day; Travelers should plan alternate routes across river at ‘LoMo’ and Little Goose dams
WALLA WALLA, Wash. – If your upcoming Veterans Day weekend plans include a road trip to visit family and friends on the opposite side of the lower Snake River, you may want to keep in mind that most U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dams are closed to cross-dam public vehicle traffic on federal holidays, unless otherwise announced.
Lower Granite Lock and Dam, near Pomeroy, Wash., will be open for public vehicle crossings on Veterans Day. Walla Walla District operations officials want to remind the public of the holiday closure affecting two of three dams in Washington that normally allow public vehicle crossings – Little Goose, near Starbuck, Wash.; and Lower Monumental, near Kahlotus, Wash.
Lower Granite Lock and Dam – crossings are allowed daily from 7 a.m. through 5 p.m. Tour and school buses must contact the dam at 509-843-1493 at least 24 hours in advance for crossing authorization.
Passenger cars, motorcycles, open trucks, recreation vehicles, small vans and farm equipment, with the exception of fuel trucks, will be allowed to cross. Large commercial vehicles, trucks, vehicles hauling flammable or explosive cargo and vehicles that cannot be easily searched will not be allowed to cross the dam.
All vehicles crossing Corps dams are subject to a search. Photo identification is required for all vehicle occupants 18 years of age and older. All firearms must be unloaded and declared at the gate. Security guards are authorized to perform detailed vehicle searches and deny vehicle access across the dam. Drivers may not stop their vehicles to take pictures or sight see during escorted crossings. Pedestrian traffic across the dam is not allowed because of safety considerations.
Operations officials note there could still be closures. The district may, at any time, close access to traffic for extended periods of time due to operations, maintenance or construction-related activities at a dam. A change in security conditions could also terminate public access across the dam until such time as threat levels decrease. The public will be notified about closures, if possible, in advance, but the crossing is still subject to closing at any time. Travelers can call 1-888-DAM-INFO (1-888-326-4636) or visit our website (http://www.nww.usace.army.mil/Missions/Recreation/DamCrossing.aspx) for the most current dam-crossing information.