17-112 Little Goose Dam reopens early to vehicle crossings; additional work to require intermittent crossing delays Nov. 6-9

Published Nov. 2, 2017
STARBUCK, Wash. – Little Goose Lock and Dam reopened for public vehicle crossings today, after work to transfer newly arrived adjustable spillway weir (ASW) components was completed ahead of schedule, according to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, operations officials at the dam.

Work to prepare spillway bay number 1 for installation of the ASW will require diving operations next week. Cross-dam vehicle traffic may need to be intermittently delayed for up to approximately two hours Nov. 6-9 to safely accommodate related work activities occurring on top of the dam.

To avoid lengthy delays, motorists wishing to cross Little Goose Dam are encouraged to contact the dam operator at 509-399-2233, extension 231, well in advance of arrival for information about likely crossing times amid work progress during those days.

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Release no. 17-112