WILSON, Wyo. – The Walla Walla District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) seeks public scoping comments regarding the Corps’ proposal to grant permission for potential alteration to a Corps-constructed river improvement project on the upper-Snake River in the City of Wilson, Wyoming.
Pursuant to 33 United States Code, Section 408, Corps permission for Teton County’s Wilson Bridge boat ramp improvement project is necessary because the project has the potential to alter the Snake River Federal Levee Project, a levee system which was constructed, and currently managed, by the Corps.
The Wilson Bridge boat ramp has little development and experiences high use by the public and commercial operations. The lack of improvements at the boat ramp limits the functionality and safe operation of the site. The county’s proposed development will include a new levee access road, a new bathroom, group meeting areas and a network of ADA-compliant pedestrian pathways to allow better access.
A parking lot was considered in earlier versions of the county’s proposed improvements. As the parking lot is not reasonably certain to occur, but is a future possibility, it would be examined as a potential alternative in the Corps’ Environmental Assessment. Additional project details are available in the Corps’ Public Notice, available for viewing or downloading on their website at
Public scoping input/comments may be submitted Dec. 22, 2017 through Jan. 22, 2018. Comments must be emailed or postmarked no later than Jan. 22, 2018, to be considered in the development of an Environmental Assessment to evaluate the effects of the Corps granting permission to potentially alter the Snake River Federal Levee Project (Section 408). All information and comments submitted will be included in the permanent public record. Electronic comments may be submitted directly to the Corps using the online comment form link on the Corps’ website. Comments may also be emailed to
NEPANWW@usace.army.mil, inserting “Wilson Bridge Boat Ramp 408” in the subject line. To submit written comments via the U.S. Postal Service, mail them to:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
ATTN: CENWW-PD-EC – Wilson Bridge Boat Ramp 408
201 North 3rd Ave.
Walla Walla, WA 99362-1876
For additional information or questions about this Section 408 permission action, please contact the Corps’ environmental coordinator at 509-527-7239. For more information about Teton County’s proposed Wilson Bridge Boat Ramp improvement project, please contact the county’s Public Works Department at 307-733-3317.