18-024 Walla Walla District security chief named Best anti-terrorism program manager

Published March 15, 2018
Michelle Frost, security chief for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Walla Walla District, recently earned recognition as the Corps' "Best Antiterrorism Program Manager" for 2017.

Michelle Frost, security chief for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Walla Walla District, recently earned recognition as the Corps' "Best Antiterrorism Program Manager" for 2017.

WALLA WALLA, Wash. – A security chief with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Walla Walla District, recently earned recognition as the Corps' "Best Antiterrorism Program Manager." 

Since joining the District Readiness Office staff in 2012, Michelle Frost’s professional efforts focused on protecting Corps personnel and missions, both at the District Headquarters Office in Walla Walla, Washington, and at the District’s field offices and dams located in Washington, Oregon and Idaho.  

Frost resides near Hermiston, Oregon, and previously worked at the U.S. Army Umatilla Chemical Depot before it closed. 
In the award nomination, Walla Walla District Commander Damon Delarosa described Frost as having an “outstanding ability to identify a potential problem, evaluate courses of action, and implement corrective measures.” 

She also significantly contributed to Walla Walla District achieving Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP) accreditation in December 2017. Walla Walla District became the first agency accredited under the new 2016 EMAP standards. Three of EMAP's 64 standards are related to hazard prevention.

Frost earned training certificates from the Interagency Security Committee (ISC) Risk Management Process course in Washington, D.C.; the Conventional Physical Security and Crime Prevention course and the Anti-Terrorism Basic and Advanced courses at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO; Crisis Action Management and Continuity of Operations, and Advanced Security Specialist courses in Colorado Springs, Colo.; and the Special Security Officer course at Falcon Air Force Base, Colo.

She is married to Hermiston native Bob Frost.




Release no. 18-024