POMEROY, Wash. – In response to requests from stakeholders, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, extended the public comment period for the draft revised Lower Granite Project Master Plan, and accompanying draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Environmental Assessment (EA). Study planners added two weeks to the public review period, which now runs from June 5 through July 10.
The draft Master Plan describes how natural and recreational resources will be managed on Lower Granite Dam project lands. The draft revised Master Plan, appendices, draft FONSI and EA, and other associated documents are available on the Corps’ website
The Corps conducted public scoping meetings in Clarkston and Pullman, March 22 and 23, as part of a 2-month-long scoping period, March 22 through May 22, to support development of the draft revised Master Plan and EA.
Written comments on the draft revised Master Plan, EA and FONSI will now be accepted from June 5 through July 10, 2018. Comments may be submitted via U.S. Postal Service, email
LowerGraniteMP@usace.army.mil, or by using the online comment form on the Master Plan webpage. All comments received will be considered and become part of the public record.
Mailing address:
USACE-Walla Walla District
ATTN: Lower Granite Master Plan
201 North 3rd Avenue
Walla Walla, Washington 99362
For more information about the Lower Granite Master Plan revision, contact the Master Plan Coordinator at 509-527-7133 or email