TRI-CITIES, Wash. – Natural Resource Management staff from the Corps of Engineers Walla Walla District and scientists from the Corps' Engineer Research and Development Center in Vickburg, MS,will conduct research on water exchange rates Aug. 20-27 in the Columbia River upstream of McNary Lock and Dam (Lake Wallula).
They will be working at various locations in the reservoir, but primarily in the Tri-Cities area. The research will require multiple work barges and vessels on the river and equipment, trailers, vehicles, etc. on the shoreline in areas determined to be suitable for using an inert dye to determine water exchange rates.
The information gathered by this research will help the Corps determine potential aquatic invasive species management techniques.
For safety, boaters and shoreline trail users are asked to avoid getting close to the work activities.
For more information, please contact the Natural Resource Management Office, 509-527-7136. For current dam-crossing information, call 1-888-DAM-INFO (1-888-326-4636).
Release no. 18-092