18-100 Walla Walla District issues FONSI for City of Notus Wastewater Improvement Project

Published Aug. 29, 2018
NOTUS, Idaho – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Walla Walla District issued a final Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the City of Notus, Idaho, Wastewater Improvements Project on Aug.27, 2018.

The Corps plans to assist the city of Notus, Idaho (city), with upgrades to their wastewater collection system. The city’s project includes collection system repairs, lagoon dredging, seepage testing after dredging, influent screen installation, construction of disinfection system, aeration upgrades, and influent/effluent flow measurement. The Corps is not assisting the city with the entire proposed project. The Corps and the city have agreed the Corps will provide funding to replace part of the collection system from the north side of Highway 26 to the influent pipe of the first lagoon. The Corps’ participation in this project is authorized under Section 595 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1999.

The city submitted an Environmental Review document (ER) for this project. The Corps had no role in the preparation of the ER, but did undertake an independent review of the ER and determined the information contained therein is accurate and satisfies the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations, except as supplemented or explained in the FONSI.

A 15-day comment period was held April 10-25, 2018. All information and comments submitted are included in the permanent public record. The Corps’ signed FONSI and related project documents are available below for viewing or downloading on the District’s website http://www.nww.usace.army.mil/Missions/Environmental-Compliance/.

Public Affairs Office

Release no. 18-100