WILSON, Wyo. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Walla Walla District issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Wilson Bridge Boat Ramp Improvements, Section 408 permission, in Teton County, Wyoming.
The Corps grants permission under 33 United States Code Section 408 (Section 408) to Teton County for alterations to a portion of Boat Ramp Levee, a Corps-constructed levee on property managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) on the right bank of the Snake River near Wilson, Wyoming. The alterations are part of Teton County’s plan to improve the function, management and safety for boater activity at the boat ramp. The Corps grants Section 408 permission only for those elements of the plan that would affect the levee.
To satisfy the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis requirements, the Corps adopted the Environmental Assessment (EA), Recreational Improvements on Parcel 13, DOI-BLM-WY-100-2014-0058-EA, prepared by the Bureau of Reclamation (BLM) in 2014, for issuing a right-of-way to the county for the overall improvement project. The BLM previously posted notification of the EA on their public NEPA website. The Corps also accepted the Environmental Analysis, Wilson Boat Ramp, prepared by Intermountain Aquatics, Inc. in 2016 for Teton County. The Corps independently reviewed these documents and determined the information contained within them is accurate and satisfies the requirements of the NEPA regulations.
The Corps prepared a draft FONSI, and distributed it and the county’s Environmental Analysis on July 11, 2018 for a 30-day public review. Information and comments submitted are included in the permanent public record. Through its analysis and the public review, the Corps did not identify any significant environmental impacts related to granting Section 408 permission for the levee alterations. The signing of the final FONSI concludes the Corps environmental compliance for the project.
The Corps signed FONSI and Teton County’s Environmental Analysis are available on the Walla Walla District website at
For more information about Teton County’s proposed Wilson Bridge Boat Ramp improvement project, please contact the county’s Public Works Department at 307-733-3317.
Release no. 18-104