LAPWAI, Iadho -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District (Corps), seeks public comments regarding the scope of the Sweetwater and Lapwai Creeks Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Study.
The Corps, in partnership with the non-federal sponsor, the Nez Perce Tribe, is developing a plan to restore aquatic and riparian habitats on Sweetwater and Lapwai creeks and prepare a Feasibility Report/Environmental Assessment (FR/EA). The Sweetwater and Lapwai creeks’ watersheds are culturally significant to the Nez Perce Tribe, as well as being designated critical habitat for Snake River steelhead listed under the Endangered Species Act.
Scoping comments will be accepted from April 5, 2019, through May 4, 2019. The Corps is particularly interested in input regarding alternatives and environmental effects that should be considered. Scoping comments will be used in: 1) identifying issues to address; 2) exploring alternatives; and 3) identifying potential environmental effects of possible changes to the watershed.
Additional information about the study is available online at
Electronic comments may be emailed to, inserting “Sweetwater 203” in the subject line. You may also mail comments to:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Walla Walla District
ATTN: PPL-C Sweetwater 203
201 North 3rd Avenue
Walla Walla, WA 99362-1876
All information and comments received will be included in the permanent public record. Please, contact the Environmental Coordinator at 509-527-7239 or, if you have questions.
Release no. 19-029