Starbuck, Wash. -- The Texas Rapids recreational area, located four miles from Little Goose Lock and Dam on the lower Snake River near Starbuck, Washington, will be closed August 5-11 to accommodate asphalt maintenance work to the parking lot and access road, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials announced today.
Natural Resource Management maintenance staff will sweep and then seal coat the parking lot and access road. While work is in progress, the area will be temporarily closed to all types of vehicle and pedestrian traffic. The temporary closure is needed make sure the work crew has safe access to the entire area, and to protect visitors and their vehicles.
“This work is meant to keep this resource area operational since budgetary constraints prevent complete repaving. This work will be followed by line striping to improve safety and efficiency of this highly visited site,” Maintenance Supervisor Mark Poirier stated.
For more information about this maintenance project or other nearby recreation opportunities, please contact the Natural Resource Management Office, 509-751-0240. For current dam-crossing information, call 1-888-DAM-INFO (1-888-326-4636). Follow Little Goose Lock and Dam on Facebook for visitor information and breaking-news announcements at
Release no. 19-087