Walla Walla, WA. - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District is in the process of reopening its recreational facilities in Washington and Idaho.
Recent openings include:
- Lucky Peak will be opening up dam side recreational areas, boat ramps and some vault toilets today, May 22.
- A handful of day use parks on the Lower Granite pool (Swallows, Chestnut, Greenbelt, Blyton Landing, Nisqually John Landing) opened today.
- Bennington Lake in Walla Walla is open.
- Dworshak Dam has opened its waterborne restrooms.
Future openings will be scheduled based on county trends of coronavirus case numbers. Additional factors include the availability of personnel, in the form of staff and volunteers, to keep areas clean and safe and the ability to acquire PPE for those personnel.
Visitors to Corps recreational facilities should maintain proper social distancing practices, by staying at least six feet away from other people and by planning ahead to make sure they aren’t attending a site that is already busy and crowded with people.
Most restrooms are cleaned daily, however the bathroom cleaning schedule varies based on the location and usage of each bathroom. Not all bathrooms on Corps land have running water, and visitors are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer to wash their hands.
The most current recreational information can be found on the project Facebook pages:
Mill Creek
Ice Harbor
Lower Monumental
Little Goose
Lower Granite
Lucky Peak
Release no. 20-052