Interest responses to help determine future plans for Central Ferry, Lyons Ferry
WALLA WALLA, Wash. – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials are evaluating options for two parks on the lower Snake River.
The current lessees at Lyons Ferry Park and Central Ferry Park recently notified the Corps’ Walla Walla District of their desire to relinquish their leases prior to the 2011 summer recreation season, which traditionally starts in May. Therefore, both locations may be available for new leases in 2011.
The current lessees’ relinquishment notifications started a close-out and assessment process to evaluate how those properties will be managed in the future. Operations and Real Estate officials have assembled a team to explore a broad range of options and are currently seeking information that will help them determine if there are organizations or commercial entities that may have interest in operating and maintaining one or both of the parks under a lease agreement with the District.
Interest letters have been sent to known non-profit and private-concessionaire entities, as well as to government entities, in the regional area.
“We are very early into the assessment process, and we need to know if anyone has interest in operating these parks. That information will help us evaluate what options are viable before we select a course of action to follow and spend limited taxpayer dollars on it,” said Todd Czarnecki, Walla Walla District Real Estate Division chief. “One possible option may include a formal solicitation for lease proposals later this year.”
Czarnecki said the district would be open to discuss potential lessees’ ideas in alteration to the existing park and recreation facilities.
He emphasized that no decisions about the parks’ futures have been made at this point in the process.
“We’re casting a wide net,” said Czarnecki. “If anyone has a potential interest in operating one or both of these parks under a lease agreement, we would like to hear from them.”
Interested parties should contact the Walla Walla District’s Real Estate Division not later than March 11, 2011, at or call (509) 527-7320.
Both sites are designated for park and recreation purposes, originally designed and operated as Washington State Parks when opened in 1973 and 1976, respectively. The parks have been operated by commercial entities since 2003 after the state experienced budget shortfalls and relinquished their leases on the parks.
Lyons Ferry Park, is located at Snake River Mile 59, upstream of Lower Monumental Lock and Dam on the north riverbank, adjacent to the mouth of the Palouse River. Facilities include restrooms, swimming, camping, picnicking, hiking, canoeing/kayaking, boat ramp and fishing access.
Central Ferry Park, is located at Snake River Mile 83, upstream of Little Goose Lock and Dam on the north riverbank. Facilities include camping, day-use, swimming area, boat ramp and docks.
Fact sheets about both parks are located on the Walla Walla District website at and A detailed list of park amenities can be found online at -- click on the park name you wish to see.