Corps completes Kendrick, Bear Creek levee system periodic inspections

Published Feb. 18, 2011

KENDRICK, Idaho –  The Kendrick and Bear Creek levee systems, which are operated and maintained by the City of Kendrick, received overall system ratings of “minimally acceptable” following their most recent U.S. Army Corps of Engineers periodic inspection reports finalized on Oct. 12, 2010. 

The levee systems’ “minimally acceptable” ratings mean they remain eligible to apply for federal rehabilitation assistance if it is damaged in a flood or storm event. Corps of Engineers project ratings do not determine final eligibility under the National Flood Insurance Program, a FEMA-managed program. Certification documentation is the responsibility of the levee sponsor. For information concerning the National Flood Insurance Program in relation to this levee system, contact the levee sponsor or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Both levee systems are located in the City of Kendrick. The Kendrick levee system was constructed in 1959, and consists of a right bank levee system along approximately 3,650 feet of the Potlatch River. Residential, industrial, and commercial areas of Kendrick are protected by the Kendrick levee system.

The Bear Creek levee system was constructed in 1969, and consists of a left bank levee system along approximately 1,250 feet of Bear Creek. The Kendrick High School and the northeast bridge abutment on State Highway 3 are protected by the Bear Creek levee system.

“Public safety is the number one goal of the National Levee Safety Program,” said Herb Bessey, Walla Walla District’s Levee Safety Program manager.  “We want to make sure levee systems are reliable and do not present unacceptable risks to the public, economy or environment.”

Inspections and assessments provide continuous feedback about levee systems and their reliability and are a critical part of the Corps’ Levee Safety Program. Routine inspections, conducted annually, focus on the operation and maintenance of the project. These annual inspections verify the project sponsor operates and maintains the levee to achieve the maximum benefits the levee was designed to provide. Routine inspection items include vegetation, encroachments, drainage structures, erosion, animal burrows and culverts. Routine inspections result in an acceptable, minimally acceptable or unacceptable rating and affect the project’s eligibility for federal rehabilitation assistance under Public Law 84-99 if damaged in a flood or storm event. 

The periodic inspection is the next level in the levee safety program and is conducted by a multidisciplinary team, led by a professional engineer. It includes a more detailed, comprehensive and consistent evaluation of the condition of the levee system and will be conducted every five years. Activities under the periodic inspection program include routine inspection items; verifies proper operation and maintenance; evaluates operational adequacy, structural stability and, safety of the system; and compares current design and construction criteria with those in place when the levee was built. 

The final periodic inspection rating is based upon the routine inspection items, and includes an acceptable, minimally acceptable or unacceptable rating. Additional periodic inspection information that will be shared with the project sponsor includes identification of components and features that require monitoring over time.

The executive summary of the levee’s most recent periodic inspection reports can be obtained by contacting Herb Bessey at (509) 527-7144.

The National Levee Safety Program Act of 2007 directs the development of a national levee safety program, in addition to the inventory and inspection of levees nationwide. More information about the National Levee Safety Program is available on the Web at


Release no. 11-24