Corps to hold security exercise in Walla Walla May 4

Published May 3, 2011

WALLA WALLA, Wash.  – The Walla Walla District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will hold a pre-planned security exercise at its headquarters building in downtown Walla Walla on Wednesday, May 4. Individuals or groups of district personnel may be seen participating in this exercise in the vicinity of the headquarters building at 201 North Third Avenue at any time that day. Exercise scenarios may occur indoors or outdoors.

      The Walla Walla District conducts these periodic exercises to ensure its employees are properly trained to respond to a variety of security-related scenarios. For security reasons, Corps exercise scenarios and results are not publicly disclosed but are used to enhance ongoing security programs, measures and procedures.

The exercise is being held in coordination with area law enforcement agencies.


MEDIA ADVISORY: We’re not allowing media coverage of this exercise for security reasons. We appreciate your cooperation in the interest of national security. Note that violation of law on Corps property is generally a local law enforcement or FBI matter, and media queries would generally be handled by those agencies.


Public Affairs

Release no. 11-48