Lower Granite navigation lock reopens to recreational vessels

Published June 23, 2011

POMEROY, Wash. – Lower Granite Dam’s navigation lock service reopened to recreational vessels at 8 a.m. Thursday, June 23, after the upstream-gate cables that had been damaged were replaced. The navigation lock had been closed on June 20 to recreational vessels after a routine inspection of the gate revealed the gate cables were damaged and needed to be replaced.

Vehicle crossings at the dam have not been impacted by the navigation lock repair.

Lower Granite’s navigation lock, located at Snake River mile 107.5, is part of the federal inland channel system that provides navigation from the mouth of the Columbia River near Astoria, Ore., to port facilities on the rivers in Lewiston-Clarkston.  Public Notices and other navigation lock information are available on the Walla Walla District Web site at http://www.nww.usace.army.mil/html/OFFICES/OP/T/NAVDATA/default.asp.



Public Affairs

Release no. 11-95