WALLA WALLA, Wash. – Volunteers can join forces with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers park rangers at Mill Creek Dam and Bennington Lake located in Walla Walla, Wash., as they honor National Public Lands Day on Saturday, Sept. 24, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Public Lands Day is the nation’s largest, single-day volunteer event to benefit public lands. Officially the last Saturday of September, organizers anticipate more than 100,000 Americans of all ages will participate nationwide, volunteering their time and effort to help restore the beauty and vitality of our public lands.
Volunteers can help Corps rangers plant trees along a new trail that was established in June as part of a National Trails Day volunteer event.
Individuals and groups are welcome. Volunteers should dress for the weather, bring their own gloves, a water bottle and wear sturdy work shoes.
Register for this National Public Lands Day volunteer event by calling Corps of Engineers rangers at 509-527-7165, or visit Mill Creek Dam’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/millcreekdam.
Whether you join a formal public lands event or just grab a trash bag to help pick up litter as you walk the trails in a nature area or park, your efforts help preserve the beauty of public lands for everyone to enjoy. Anyone who enjoys fun in the great outdoors is encouraged to lend a helping hand to America’s lands.
One of every three acres of land in the United States—nearly 600 million acres—belongs to the American public. National Public Lands Day began in 1994 with three federal agencies and 700 volunteers. Last year, 150,000 volunteers worked in more than 2,000 locations across the nation. Now, eight federal agencies and many state and local lands participate in this annual day of caring for shared lands. For more information about National Public Lands Day, visit their website at www.publiclandsday.org.
Release no. 11-129