14-042 Lewiston Levee grassy areas may require daytime irrigation; Corps urges caution as it replaces irrigation system pump and motor

Published June 6, 2014

LEWISTON, Idaho –  After 42 years of keeping grass green atop two miles of the Lewiston Levee Parkway and adjacent grassy areas near Kiwanis Park, the pump which supplied water to the irrigation system sprayed its last drop.  

During preparation for seasonal use, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers maintenance staff from the Lower Granite Natural Resources Management Office in Clarkston, Wash., noticed the irrigation pump was performing at a significantly reduced capacity and could no longer operate the irrigation system. Both the pump and the motor, which have long surpassed their estimated service life, will be replaced.

“As temperatures are now rising, the grass is noticeably stressed (beginning to brown) from lack of water,” said Joe Maxwell, Lower Granite natural resources manager. “Until the new pump and motor are acquired, a temporary diesel-powered pump will be used to operate the irrigation system. The temporary pump will most likely require us to irrigate during the daytime instead of at night. This may result in some inconvenience for the public, as the trail and grass may be wet during the day.”

Maxwell said it may take a month or longer to acquire and install a new pump and motor.

The Lewiston Levee Parkway is open year-round. Facilities include day-use areas with 13 miles of the Snake and Clearwater Rivers National Recreation Trail. There are numerous parking areas from which to access the park and trail -- along Snake River Avenue between Snake River Miles 140-146, along the Lewiston Levee Bypass between Clearwater River Miles 0-2 on the south river bank and  parallel to Highway 12 between Clearwater River Miles 2-7 on the north riverbank.

For more information about outdoor recreation opportunities along the lower Snake and Clearwater rivers, contact the Lower Granite Natural Resources Management Office at 509-751-0240 or email ClarkstonNaturalResources@usace.army.mil

Public Affair Office

Release no. 14-042