Tag: cfs
  • 22-023 Dworshak Dam Adjusting Flow for Second Half of the Month

    AHSAHKA, Idaho –Dworshak Dam is currently discharging 9,500 cubic feet per second (cfs) to support local hatchery releases. Discharges will remain steady for the duration of next week before increasing to 14,500 cfs on the morning of the April 21 for regulating outlet functional test. The evening of April 21 the project will gradually start decreasing flows over the following days down to 4,700 cfs to continue filling.
  • 22-021 Dworshak Dam discharge to increase to support hatchery releases

    AHSAHKA, Idaho –Dworshak Dam is currently discharging 7,100 cubic feet per second (cfs). Discharges will remain steady for the next week before increasing to 9,500 cfs to support local hatchery releases. Discharge for the remainder of the month, after hatchery releases are concluded, is expected to be in the approximate range of 8,000 to 10,500 cfs.
  • 21-003 Dworshak Dam releases to fluctuate between 1,700 and 4,000 cfs in second half of February

    AHSAHKA, Idaho – Dworshak will be releasing water during the next two weeks to manage reservoir refill and provide flood control. Reservoir managers will maintain Dworshak Dam releases at 1,700 cubic feet per second (cfs) through Feb. 19.
  • 21-002 Dworshak Dam releases to fluctuate between 1,700 and 7,000 cfs in first half of February

    AHSAHKA, Idaho – Reservoir managers will decrease Dworshak Dam releases on Friday evening, Jan. 29, to 1,700 cubic feet per second (cfs). This flow is expected to remain constant until Feb. 8. Flows may vary daily from Feb. 8 to Feb. 15 in the range of 1,700 to 7,000 cfs.