Tag: volunteer
  • 23-021 Ice Harbor Dam is looking for volunteers

    Tri-Cities, WA – Ice Harbor Lock and Dam is looking for individuals or couples to serve as volunteers. There are two types of positions open: Grounds Maintenance and Park Host with grounds maintenance duties.
  • 22-017 Ice Harbor Natural Resources is looking for volunteers

    Tri-Cities, WA – Ice Harbor Lock and Dam is looking for volunteers to serve as Park Hosts or Grounds Maintenance at the following parks: Hood, Charbonneau, Fishhook, Windust and Levey.
  • 22-015 Lower Granite is looking for volunteers

    CLARKSTON, Wash. – Lower Granite Lock and Dam is looking for individuals or couples to serve as volunteers. There are two types of positions open: Visitor Center Host Volunteers and Janitorial/Grounds Maintenance Volunteers.