New community dock permit applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Community docks shared by two to four households are encouraged by the Corps, and they have several benefits. Compared to individual docks, they reduce overall impact on endangered fish species and habitat, help owners share costs, serve more owners, and allow for a larger float size than individual docks. Also, an individual community dock co-owner’s property sale would not trigger mandatory dock upgrades.
Formation of a dock association is required, and a copy of the dock association agreement must be provided. New community dock permit applications will be considered for eligible applicants who have property sharing a boundary with the Corps-managed federal shoreline and located in areas designated as “Limited Development Areas” (LDAs). All members of a dock association must have property sharing a boundary with the federal shoreline.
1. Am I eligible?
Can you provide legal proof of ownership indicating you have a shared boundary with the Corps-managed federal shoreline?
If yes, go to question 2.
If no, you are not eligible.
2. Is your adjacent property in a Limited Development Area?
Limited Development Areas are designated where private shoreline use facilities or vegetation management activities may be allowed when consistent with the shoreline plan and cleared for environmental and cultural resources issues by Corps personnel prior to any development.
Limited Development Area Maps
If yes, and applying for a community dock, go to item 3.
If yes and you are applying for an individual dock, see new individual dock permit application information below.
If no, you are not eligible.
3. You are eligible to apply for a new community dock permit.
You will need to submit the following completed forms and information to:
Ice Harbor Lock and Dam Natural Resources Management Office
2339 Monument Drive
Burbank, Washington 99323
A. Provide a copy of your dock owners association agreement as well as legal proof of ownership indicating you as applicant and all your dock association members have a shared boundary with the Corps managed federal shoreline.
B. Two copies of “Application for a Shoreline use Permit”
Instructions for completing - ENG Form 4264-R
ENG Form 4264-R
C. Copy of property deed of each dock association member
D. Copy of plat map showing your lot and lot of each association member
E. If any ground disturbance is planned, such as an anchor block placement on shoreline, you will need an ARPA (Archaeological Resources Protection Act) permit application.
F. Proof of Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) submittal.
G. Specific Project Information Form (SPIF)
H. A to-scale site plan drawing showing layout of dock, shoreline, path, etc.
I. Copy of detailed, scaled plans with written certification by a licensed professional engineer (PE) that the proposed dock meets the design and construction criteria outlined in Appendix B of McNary Shoreline Management Plan.
J. A non-refundable $35.00 check or money order payable to F&AO, USAED, Walla Walla.
If you have any questions please contact Ice Harbor Lock and Dam Natural Resources Management Office at 509-543-6062 or 509-543-6060 or by e-mail at