WALLA WALLA, Wash. – Construction begins this week on a new paved trail at the Mill Creek Project’s Rooks Park that will meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, according to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers operations officials.
Portions of the park, located about 2 miles east of Walla Walla, Washington, will require temporary access closures beginning Dec. 4 to provide a safe work area for contractors and minimize risks to visitors. Work is expected to be completed by early January 2019.
The new paved trail will extend from the Rooks Park parking lot, over a re-graded area between the restrooms and picnic shelter, past the playground and connect with the existing paved trail located along the eastern edge of the park. Other areas of the park remain open for visitors.
The Corps’ Walla Walla District awarded a contract to Ffrazure Earthworks Excavation LLC, a woman-owned small business in Walla Walla, Washington, for approximately $107,000 to build the new trail.
Visitors should be aware of construction vehicles and trucks entering and exiting the work site near the entrance to Rooks Park. This additional traffic will continue throughout the work period.
For more information about this project or for general information about Mill Creek Dam and Bennington Lake, call the Mill Creek office at 509-527-7160.
Release no. 18-127