Tag: trails
  • Construction to begin at Mill Creek June 10

    WALLA WALLA, Wash. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District will begin construction projects at Mill Creek, June 10, to improve habitat conditions for endangered salmonids and improve flood risk management operations, while also replacing the boat ramp for public use at Bennington Lake.
  • 18-127 Corps to construct ADA-compliant trail through Rooks Park

    WALLA WALLA, Wash. – Construction begins this week on a new paved trail at the Mill Creek Project’s Rooks Park that will meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, according to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers operations officials.
  • 17-080 - Corps seeks public input for Lucky Peak Dam and Lake’s Lake View Trail EA

    BOISE, Idaho – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District (Corps), invites public scoping comments for an Environmental Assessment (EA) addressing a proposed mountain bike trail at Lucky Peak Dam and Lake near Boise, Idaho. Written comments will be accepted until July 28, 2017.