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Triathlons are a popular event at Lucky Peak Lake occurring several times each year.
The Spillway at Lucky Peak Dam accommodates overflow parking from nearby launch areas as well as truck-trailer rigs that are too large to fit into the marked parking stalls.
Lucky Peak Lake is not just for boating – it’s home to all types of water-based recreation. Barclay Bay at Lucky Peak Dam Recreation Area is known throughout the region as a prime location for kite-surfing.
A small group huddles close for a view as a local scientist bands Kestrel chicks removed from the nest box at the Lake Office of Lucky Peak Lake.
Winter dusts Lucky Peak Lake with snow.
The Lucky Peak Dam “Rooster Tail” is a special attraction each spring on good water years, showing off the original but now seldom used methods of releasing water from Lucky Peak Dam. Since 1988, these releases are accomplished via the Lucky Peak Power Plant Project.

Lucky Peak Dam and Lake

Welcome! If you’re curious about Lucky Peak Lake park areas and what they have to offer, you’ve come to the right place! We hope by exploring these pages you’ll find what you’re looking for and maybe a little more. Since completion of the dam in the mid 1950’s, Lucky Peak Lake has offered a variety of recreational and natural resource benefits. Our Recreation mission is to provide a safe and enjoyable recreating environment meeting public needs and to do so in balance with principled resource protection and environmental stewardship. This may entail our rangers directly contacting someone about park rules or regulations, or it could be through varied outreach efforts that inspire environmental ethics and promote safety around water. Our work is truly as diverse as the visitors we serve.

Located just 15 minutes from Boise’s greater urban area of approximately 500,000 residents and being the home of the nearest large water body open to recreation, Lucky Peak Lake experiences great and diverse pressures from a broad spectrum of visitors. Managing nearly 8,000 acres of public lands and waters in a manner that promotes multiple and diverse uses while minimizing conflicts is a privilege and a challenge our team gratefully accepts and continuously works to improve. As host to nearly one million visits each year, Lucky Peak Lake can’t be everything to everyone, but looking at its potential in a regional context, mindful of our strengths and resource limitations, we strive to deliver certain opportunities with excellence.

Please take a look around this site and see what opportunities may be here for you at Lucky Peak Lake. As works in progress, we welcome your comments and feedback regarding improvements to both Lucky Peak Lake park areas as well as the content available on this website. Please let us know how we can serve you better.

Lucky Peak Park Manager

Contact Us

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Lucky Peak Dam and Lake
9723 East Highway 21
Boise, Idaho 83716-9393
Phone: 208-343-0671
Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30AM to 4:00PM, except Federal holidays.


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