Archive: 2019
  • Joint-District News Release -- Summer recreational vessel lockage schedule begins today

    COLUMBIA & SNAKE RIVERS, Ore. & Wash. -- May 15 marks the start of the summer schedule for recreational boaters using navigation locks to travel past U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers, according to Corps navigation planners.
  • 19-052 Boise River flows to decrease to 5,600 cfs on Wednesday

    BOISE, Idaho -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will reduce flows through the City of Boise by 500 cubic feet per second (cfs) on Wednesday, May 15. Currently, Boise River flows through town are approximately 6,100 cfs, as measured at the Glenwood Bridge gauge. Flows will reach approximately 5,600 cfs by late-morning on Wednesday.
  • 19-051 Corps and Port of Kennewick sign Clover Island cost share agreement

    KENNEWICK, Wash. – The Port of Kennewick and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District (Corps) have signed a cost share agreement to create a living shoreline, provide benefits for endangered and threatened species and enhance recreational access to the Columbia River.
  • 19-050 Road maintenance work to intermittently close Mill Creek trails May 13-17

    WALLA WALLA, Wash. – Work to re-grade gravel maintenance-access roads throughout the Mill Creek Dam and Bennington Lake project area will require intermittent trail closures May 13-17, according to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers operations officials.
  • 19-049 Boise River flows to decrease to 6,000 cfs on Friday

    BOISE, Idaho -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will reduce flows through the City of Boise by 500 cubic feet per second (cfs) on Friday, May 10. Currently, Boise River flows through town are approximately 6,500 cfs, as measured at the Glenwood Bridge gauge. Flows will reach approximately 6,000 cfs by late-morning on Friday.
  • 19-048 Dworshak Dam discharge flows decrease to 4,400 cfs

    AHSAHKA, Idaho – Water discharged from Dworshak Dam and Reservoir was reduced today, Thursday, May 9, from about 9,800 cubic feet per second (cfs) to 4,400 cfs, according to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reservoir management officials.
  • 19-047 Washout prompts Corps to temporarily close Shoreline Drive near Charbonneau Park

    BURBANK, Wash. – As a precaution, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers temporarily closed Shoreline Drive, near Charbonneau Park, in Burbank, Washington, today, May 7, 2019, because of a washout of water from an unknown source on a neighboring property.
  • 19-046 Boise River flows to decrease to 6,500 cfs on Tuesday

    BOISE, Idaho -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will reduce flows through the City of Boise by 300 cubic feet per second (cfs) on Tuesday, May 7. Currently, Boise River flows through town are approximately 6,800 cfs, as measured at the Glenwood Bridge gauge. Flows will reach approximately 6,500 cfs by late-morning on Tuesday.
  • 19-045 Corps flood-fight specialists monitor near-flood-stage Boise River flows

    BOISE, Idaho – Three U.S. Army Corps of Engineers flood-fight specialists from the Walla Walla District are providing technical assistance to Idaho’s Ada County emergency managers as Boise River seasonal flows near flood stage.
  • 19-044 Boise River flows to increase on Thursday

    BOISE, Idaho -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will increase flows through the City of Boise by 200 cubic feet per second (cfs) on Thursday, May 2. Currently, Boise River flows through town are approximately 6,620 cfs, as measured at the Glenwood Bridge gauge. Flows will reach approximately 6,820 cfs by late-morning on Thursday.