Archive: 2011
  • YMCA triathlon to close Barclay Bay at Lucky Peak July 9

    BOISE, Idaho – A community-sponsored triathlon athletic event will affect visitor access at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Barclay Bay at Lucky Peak Lake July 9.
  • Lower Monumental navigation lock reopens to recreational vessels

    POMEROY, Wash. – Lower Monumental Lock and Dam’s navigation lock service reopened to recreational vessels at 8 a.m. Friday, July 1. The navigation lock had been closed since June 22 to recreational vessels after loose concrete was discovered on the wall at an existing repair site inside the lock. Loose concrete has been removed and a debris shield put in place.
  • Lower Granite open for vehicle crossings on July 4th; Travelers should plan alternate routes across river at ‘LoMo’ and Little Goose dams

    WALLA WALLA, Wash. – If your upcoming Forth of July weekend plans include a road trip to visit family and friends on the opposite side of the lower Snake River, you may want to keep in mind that most U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dams are closed to cross-dam public vehicle traffic on federal holidays unless otherwise announced.
  • Dworshak Reservoir almost full; July 4 outdoor fun awaits visitors

    AHSAHKA, Idaho – Dworshak Reservoir will be within 5 feet of full pool on Friday, July 1, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers water managers announced today.
  • Corps stresses safety during July 4 holiday weekend

    WALLA WALLA, Wash. -- As the nation's largest federal provider of water-based recreation, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers stresses water safety and urges extra caution while in or around water during the upcoming Independence Day holiday.
  • Corps begins repairs on flood-damaged Nelson Levee; JY Ranch Levee work nears completion

    JACKSON, Wyo. – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, personnel began emergency repairs on another levee section within the Jackson Hole Levee Project, a system of many levee sections that provides flood-risk management benefits to communities along the upper Snake River near Jackson, Wyo.
  • Corps begins repairs on flood-damaged Nelson Levee; JY Ranch Levee work nears completion

    JACKSON, Wyo. – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, personnel began emergency repairs on another levee section within the Jackson Hole Levee Project, a system of many levee sections that provides flood-risk management benefits to communities along the upper Snake River near Jackson, Wyo.
  • Corps completes Hanford Reach Interpretive Center proposal reviews

    Walla Walla, Wash. – After thorough review, the Walla Walla District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has completed both an environmental compliance and real estate review of the Hanford Reach Interpretive Center proposal. The Corps has approved the City of Richland’s request to enter into a sublease agreement with the Richland Public Facilities District, which would allow construction of the Center on Corps-leased land in Columbia Park West in Richland, Wash. The Center is a project of the Richland Public Facilities District proposed to be built on land currently leased by the District to the City of Richland for park and recreation purposes.
  • Corps monitoring or removing some Dworshak docks due to safety concerns

    AHSAHKA, Idaho –Three Dworshak Reservoir docks have been damaged by anchors and cables as reservoir levels rose during recent record inflows.
  • Lower Granite navigation lock reopens to recreational vessels

    POMEROY, Wash. – Lower Granite Dam’s navigation lock service reopened to recreational vessels at 8 a.m. Thursday, June 23, after the upstream-gate cables that had been damaged were replaced. The navigation lock had been closed on June 20 to recreational vessels after a routine inspection of the gate revealed the gate cables were damaged and needed to be replaced.